
adi newman

Ask @AdonaiNewman

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TBH: ads oh my god this is gonna sound so creepy but I had a dream about you last night 😂🙃 but I miss you so much & you're gorgeous bb❤️

Tbh I don't even know how to answer this😂 I miss you too gabs lets get together sometime(:

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tbh- adiiiiiiiii I luh youuu ❤️ you're are seriously hilarious and make conditioning a lot more fun 😂 we need to hang out soon :)

Laceyycowan’s Profile PhotoLacey
Love you❤️❤️
Liked by: Lacey

Tbh. The videos of you are my favorite because you're such a goof😂 but we need to talk more and hang out soon cause we used to be really close and now we aren't 💔

rushswagg16’s Profile Photocourt j
For sure(:
Liked by: court j

Tbh I watched your wisdom teeth videos so many times😂 you are like a third sister that I actually like and don't get mad at and I still wonder why you're bffs w Caitlin but ya know at least I get to see you around my house a ton😂I know you love me more than Noah but it's ok if you don't admit it❤️

😂😂 who's Caitlin? You're defiantly my favorite quirk😘❤️


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