

would you get back together with him? you deserve so much better he was terrible to you ?

uh if we got back together it wouldn't be for a couple months .. idk we'll see how things play out I guess. he wasn't terrible to me , we did a lot of fun stuff and I have a lot of good memories with him I wouldn't trade for the world. we just met at the wrong time and rushed into a relationship we weren't ready for ... he's still a great guy no matter what and I'm glad he was apart of my life for the time he was. but as of right now you can stop asking me questions about him because I won't answer them , it's done and over with for now so please just let it go cause I have ☺️

Latest answers from Adrianna

would you date anyone right now?

Honestly after all the shit that's recently happened I'm not rly down right now. I'm really busy with work n school n soccer so I don't really think I'd be able to commit right now hahah

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