
Adrian Buttigieg

Ask @AdrianssAsk

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Is shopping a form of entertainment for you?

Yeah I actually enjoy shopping!.................. When I got money tho ;)

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

It would be called Gym with Adrian It's about gym

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What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

Means his not happy.

Would you rather live without TV or music?

Tv cause music gets you pumped for the gym, when The TV is a lazy time thing☺️😔😕😞

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

I celebrate it only once a year so I go to the gym to celebrate with my new gains

What's your favorite photo that you've taken?

The one of me posing in the gym with my new gains


Language: English