
aether ♡

Ask @AetherSan

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Recently i went to an island in the middle of a river across a bridge of clams, drew a big x in the sand, not really because i thought it would be funny, i just thought my mom would think my life is happier if she were to somehow see me doing it


If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years, what color would you choose?


My sole solace is that no matter how bad things are, even when all my eucalypti have run out and I'm lying on the side of the road uncomfortable and finally entirely alone, as long as I have my mind I can still think of you, no homo. Farewell human!

farewell friendly koala!!

are you playing any games nowadays?

not really.. i'm not really planning on doing much until i can pay for my new computer. i do play the occasional game of league with my friends though~!

do you even remember friendship is magic? what an age that was, you were like 10. Grinding wow, listening to greenday, watching COD youtubers. Ah, i hate my life

i hate my life too dwdw

Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

dude what i'm 14 i can't live without my phone

http://imgur.com/a/ecoDD but at the end of the day i think it's very easy for me to die even if i value my life, i've always found it easy to let things slip, to fail the easiest task by simply not doing it. Only in hedonism i found my peaceful hell.


http://imgur.com/a/S9V2b imagine creating a perfect clone with your mind, it is clearly distinguishable from you. Imagine dying and then a backup is activated, is it really concievable that you'll just slip into the other one? when two copies exist at once they dont share their mind, do they?

cats like birds

http://imgur.com/a/aUThW the logical ambition was for 10 y o me, immortality, and from early age i accepted the method of copying the info of my mind as a way to survive, but i'm not sure, what i really want to preserve from my emotional standpoint is the narrative viewpoint im connected to by feels

i like cats

http://imgur.com/a/RYvve How hard is it not to die? I've lived for a while, still i don't really even have a basic idea how living alone will go? What do you think?

#1 im immortal so i will never die
#2 im almost never alone because i have a loving and caring boyfriend
and #3 i dont know sorry

http://imgur.com/a/uBMZK This is the cutest Once and Future King of Knights; was it mixed? which classes were they from? do you keep all your papers in binder? do you have school-books? What's your credit card number? did you go to the same place in 7th grade as 4th grade and before?

i dont have a credit card lol
and no


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