
Ahmed Wael

Ask @AhmedWaelBakr

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Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

Speak any language fluently👌

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It's Friendship Day! How do you cheer your best friend up when they're sad?

B2olo aw b2olaha 2n mafeesh 7aga testahel z3lak w t3aknen 3leik. You're strong enough to conquer it. Don't let anything ruin your happiness. 2sta3'el kol sanya 2nak tefra7 feeha 3shan t3eesh 7yatak b sa3ada 3shan dih 27la 7aga fel 7ayah. If you failed in something or you didn't succeed, you have to be happy that you'll work hard to achieve it and you can do it✌️

What teacher in school made the most impact on you and why?

My ANS teacher in 2014, she was very supportive and encouraging. She let me focus more on my future, work hard in my studies and believed in me so much, actually she believed in me to the extent that I thought I could do anything anything hard easily. I always like to communicate and talk with her as she is very broad-minded and she has very interesting topics to talk about. I really like the way she thinks and respect her opinions.
My English teacher this year, she was more than a mother and she cared about me so much. She always guides me to the right paths and If I need advice I always go to her.
These teachers truly exist in the ALS❤️

5 facts; you're an aries like mee, as3'ar meny b yomein, you have a twin, you've been my classmate since kg 1, you get good marks x

Thank you so much🙈🙈
Liked by: Illusion

Delwa2ty momken t7ot videohat 3l ask.fm fa please 7ot el ra2sa bt3tak m3 boudy el fel masra7eya

Dih awel 7etta😂
AhmedWaelBakr’s Video 129608371177
Liked by: Farah


Language: English