

Ask @AinImanina

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PAP an artificial smile!

but genetically i was born with artificial smile............. and idek how to make it real

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say something to anyone

in life, u cant expect everyone to be nice to u, bc maybe u havent been that nice to everyone anyway. so rather than having bad assumptions abt ppl & question why they treat u unpleasantly, question urself first.
Liked by: zim shaa

5 things u hate...5 things u love.

taksuka lipas
taksuka lipas
taksuka lipas
taksuka lipas
taksuka kau
suka makan
suka makan
suka makan
suka makan
suka qiem
dah yay💖
Liked by: yucca Haikal

what would you choose between a closed guy friend that will remain till the end with you or a boyfriend that might gonna leave you when he find someone better?

lelaki ni menyusahkan je. biar tak kawin smpi tua janji tak seksa hati sendiri. ha gitu
Liked by: farah allysa

If you were an actor, would you rather perform as a theater or movie actor?

tunggu jadi retis dulu la baru decide ek ele


Language: English