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Do you have a pet?

I have a kitty and lots of plants! Here's a picture of a few 💛🌱🌏✌🏻

Would you rathet have endless money or endless Love?

niko96xd’s Profile Photoɴɪᴋᴏ
Endless money.
I say this because endless love would become exhausting. I will find endless love naturally one day, and it'll be amazing. I get endless love from my family too, I don't need people to love me to love myself.

Post something that you want to share or say ? ?

I don't know who needs to hear this but you are beautiful and things will get better, I promise 💛

What three countries would you like to visit?

I want to visit them all! But probably Bali, Norway and hawaii

Whats your favourite radio station?

We listen to Black Cat Radio 24/7 at work... It's our local station, I guess I'd have to say that because it's the only one I ever listen to!

Language: English