
Akward Duckiee

Ask @AkwardDuckiee

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What do you think you do best?

Well honestly it seems to be getting into trouble, I just don't understand how :/

If you could learn a new skill today, what would it be?

The ability to sensor what I say sometimes so as not to offend people with my direct opinion.

''What's life without the person you love?'' .-.

yes but this only counts if the love is mutual. nudge nudge wink wink

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A wise man ounce said " da booty iz all i wnt." Do you think that it is a rightful opinion to have?

if all you want is someones butt, you need to reevaluate you goals in life.

Can I touch your butt?

i dont let people touch my butt, and i usually slap people who try, if i dont know them or like them.

A black cat crosses your path, Do you walk forward or do you walk back?

if i was walking forward i would continue forward, same thing with if i were walking backwards. unless the cat was cute and i decided to try to pet it, then i would follow the cat.

Your friend tastes vinegar and says it is sweet. You think that it is sour. Do you argue with him?

yes, im a very argumentative person. but really i cant say what happened to his taste buds to make them so fucked up, so i would probably just drop it after a few minutes.

Titanic scenario: You're on a wooden plank floating and your on top of it, would you watch your man die first or would you make him get on the wooden plank and you die first?

i dont think i could just watch him die. he would probly refuse to take the plank though so i would most likely jump into the water with him and spend my last minutes in his arms. whats life without the person you love?

Have you found. like a religion or something that you believe in>?

no, religion is a puzzle to me, and none of them fully act upon what they preach. i just find it hard to believe that something that is supposed to enlighten you can also bring so much hate and judgment into the world, but thats just my opinion based on experience.

A wise man ounce said "Sleep is the cousin of death." With this in mind, do you think you sleep more than you should be?

i know i sleep more than i should. sleeping is a waste of valuable time. i just seem to be lacking any actual activities to replace it with at the moment

If the person you loved died? Would you find who killed him/her? What would you do to the person?

i dont know how i would react, its never happened. but i would like to say i would find them and have them locked up for life. but i might end up doing something stupid out of grief, so i wont know unless im in that position.

What color do you like?

depends. in general i like most colors, to write with, neon pink, purple, blue and green. to wear, mostly black. my favorite colors are black green and purple.

If I had a camera that could show you a picture of your inner-self, what would the camera show?

i dont know, something with good intentions that usually goes about it the wrong way.

Do walk up a current to understand a flowing river? or do you watch it from a distance?

watch it from a distance. if i walk in it than it ceases its natural course.

What are three criteria that you believe makes a story really really a good book?

-good writing style
-original idea
-good story plot that has a lot of surprises

Are there any drawbacks to having black skin?

yes, a lot. Other races automatically label you as black, and stereotype you. other black people decide you have to be just like them, and have the same interests. and your hair usually sucks, like mine does.

Who will go to hell?

How would i know. i dont even know if there is a hell, much less who is going there.

Who is your best friend?

At the moment, I dont know if i have anyone who i can call my best friend, who would say the same thing about me. this is sad :(


Language: English