
Alarna Hughes

Ask @AlarnaHughes

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What is your idea of paradise?

Being with the person/people who make me happy and love me for who I am, who I canberra myself around and not have a care in the world:')


Aw Tay Tay! You're such a nice boy! We haven't always gotten on but we've started to talk more and we're okay now!:) you're so easy to talk to and get on with but we should talk more? You make me laugh all the time! The party was so good and I think you should have another one sometime!:D i looked after you at the party which you should be greatfull for;) your good looking too. Always here for you Tay Tay!:)<3

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Whoever likes this answer: smash[] pass[] .. rate out of 100: , best feature: , if we was alone in a room; sex[] cuddle[] kiss[] everything[] .. would i date you; yes[] no[] maybe[] .. would i like to get to know you? yes[] no[] maybe[] .. you are; hot[] cute[]perf[] sexy[]

Okay but it might not be for a while because I don't always have wifi:/ but like away!

I reckon you like Sam Kirkham!;-)

What? How did you come up with that? We've only talked once and that was at Taylor's on Friday:L

Should do me an opinion! ;-)

Do you really?;)
Okay then, we never used to talk but now we talk more:) you always make me laugh. I liked your dancing at Taylor's on Friday!;) you're such a nice boy though and you're good looking too!:)


Stuart Cookson
We haven't really spoke that much but you're a nice boy! You looked like you were having fun at Taylor's on Friday;) oh I liked your dancing too;) you're so easy to talk to and get on with, we should talk more though? You should let me or Chloe know when your lot are going out and we'll come out with you?:) you make me laugh and smile and you're good looking too:)xx
Liked by: Stuart Cookson


Harveyyyyyy :-D
Over the past couple of weeks we've started talking, which I'm happy about:) you're such a nice boy and so easy to talk to and get on with. You're my pringle buddy;) you make me laugh and smile all the time. I hope we get closer because you are so nice. You're good looking as well:)xx

Hottest boys in old year 11?

Jasper, Jack, Alex W, Aiden, Brad, Toby, Kyle, Jamie, Lewis, Matt and Dean, probably more buy icany remember


I hate you.
Haha joking!;) you're my best friend! You're my bro;) I'm glad that over the past few months we have gotten closer because you're such an amazing girl! You always know how to make me laugh and smile even if I don't feel like it. You've helped me through so much and, I don't know how, but I will repay you for it! I know I've told you many times before but you can talk to me, no matter how bad or serious it is, you can always talk to me. I don't like seeing or hearing you be upset and I just want to help you out. I know that you don't really like talking about the more serious stuff but because you've helped me so much I want to do the same for you, so remember, talk to me:) we've had a lot of memories; all the parties, our challenges we do lik the milk challenge and all the others;) and we still have many more to come; Sleeping With Sirens, The Janoskians!:D you're so pretty which I'm jealous of! Don't let people take that smile off your face! Like I always say, hold your head high and your middle finger higher;) I could go on but I've probably bored you aha! Love you lots beautiful!:')<3

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Boys you want to get closer to?

Sam K, Conor A J, Stuart, Dan, Aiden M, Harvey C :)
Dont know who else

boy(s) that your most or all of your group think are hot?

Most of the boys in our group are hot, I don't want to name them because knowing me I'll miss someone out and then I'll feel bad:L

Did you like the fact that Connor hill was at the party last night (be truthful, he probably won't see this)

Really didn't mind, don't know him, haven't spoke to him so it didn't matter to me


I don't normally do opinions but I like you so why not?;)
Well you're my gay girl!:') we have our hoemance going on;) you're such a nice girl! You make me laugh all the time! We still have our 'date' to go on yet but we'll get there;) I enjoyed the walk we had earlier, just the heart-to-heart to someone who isn't in our own 'group'. You're one of my best friends and I can trust you with my life haha!:') you're so easy to get on with. So pretty too! Love you baby!:')<3
Liked by: Bethneh


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