
alastair lees yo

Ask @AlastairLees

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What drink do you prefer when you’re thirsty?

cold water is something you cant beat i think
but ill drink most things ahha

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define perfect

you can't really define perfect, different things are perfect to different people for different reasons
but if you had to label something as perfect for me it would defo be these ;)
Liked by: Jess Slater

Do you like being alone?

hate it, but i also hate being with boring people and people that i cant hold a conversation with

music taste?

oh god well I will happily listen to anything but my personal favourite songs at the moment are;
The Motion - Drake
Monster - Eminem
When I'm Gone - Eminem
2 Reasons - Trey Songz
Mercy - Kanye West
U.N.I - Ed Sheeran
Look Right Through - Storm Queen
The whole of John Newmans new album
but yeah that kind of thing

oh i always have to ruin things with my shitty typing skills;) and good:3 i know what its like to feel like itt! x

hahaha! it's fine ;) yeah it really does, but I'm sure you'd change your mind if you knew me haha x

ahah:') idek the stuff you posted about not being good enough for people,i thought you should know you are good enoguh:') x

i love being good enoguh ;) haha, and this means alot, especially from someone that doesn't know me, so i am proper grateful x

i just saw your tumblr. and it is honestly so perfect,as are you. you seem like such an understanding and lovely person and you're gorgeous. this probably means nothing coming from me,but you are exactly the type of person i long to be with.

aw haha, who is this? and well the last things I would call myself are gorgeous and perfect but thank you x


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