
Sultan (Alex) Thaqafy

Latest answers from Sultan (Alex) Thaqafy

Who are we?

You? You're a society of people who keep on spreading rumors and shaming others to cover up your own shame. A society of lifeless maggots where best friends would sell each other out for personal gain, secrets are a conversation starter and ruining other people's happiness is the goal to being happy. You're a group of people who have nothing better to do than to keep stalking the most popular guys and girls in your society and trying to make up something which would make them less popular, because you feel much less superior. A society of scum and maggots is what you are. And I gladly pulled myself out of this society. So if you're an "old friend" or an "acquaintance" don't even bother trying to talk to me or text me saying that you miss me, because I certainly do not. And I couldn't care less about what happens to you, I wouldn't even attend your funeral if you died. I'd like you all to do the same for me. I'm not specifying or omitting anyone from this statement. Much respect for some of you, not so much for most of you, but I want nothing to do with any of you.
I won't be answering much questions on here anymore, probably will when I'm extremely bored and have nothing to do.

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