

Ask @AlexanderClaypool

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I admittedly do too

so illl just sell all my life possesions for a truck? mabye ill sell some of my organs lol i heard a kidney can get you 10 grand now adays
Liked by: RyleeKay

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pros and cons of dating you?

pros- im a ginger, who doesnt love that? i can be funny sometimes. i can be sweet if i really tried
cons- im me lol i tend to be a downer sometimes cx
Liked by: RyleeKay

hey asshole, leave Alex the fuck alone. He's been through more than you can think of so I suggest you keep your nasty ass comments to yourself.

Kaitlyn Diamond
thanks Kaitlyn c: but its kinda true :/ i probally should have stayed away. i get fucking thrown into a language class that im gonna fail because i have no fucking idea whats going on and idk... mabye i should have actualy went through with...
Liked by: Kaitlyn Diamond

Lol when I said "shanks" all I could think of is wether or not I should say it or nah, bc I always think of like "imma shank you" lol idk.. Nvm.. XD

hahahaha im dead

They are the best eyes ever. I love your eyes. I always get lost in them. They are adorable on you. You are adorable in general so I guess they'd have to be adorable either way(:

haha awwww shanx sew much

Post a picture of somebody or something you find inspiring!

idk what he stands for is that we dont have to take the goverments shit so GO ANONYMOUS

Smiling is stupid, bc I'm doing it alone..

oh hush. mabye you can hunt down wally and with your fingers make his snarling face into a cute lil doggy smile c:
Liked by: RyleeKay

Wait... Lol so when we are married you're going to let me win when we play video games? Pshh, please bishh.

uh duh ima let you lol im a total nerd and you wouldnt be able to beat me if i didnt let you lol
Liked by: RyleeKay


Language: English