
Alex peek

Ask @Alexpeek77

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What is your favorite thrill ride?

My thrill favorite thrill ride is every time I throw my leg over the bike

Tbh: I guess your pretty cool we have never talked though, and you seem very nice, also I think you are dating this girl named breana? You guys make a cute couple, Rate: 7 hoe

Thanks say hi sometime I always see u around school

Went teepee creepin, saw shaniqua's big ol puss hangin out so I jumped on it like a buckskin pony. I said "lemme hit it from the back side one time". She said no so I spit on her and she told her dad so I said FUCK YOU

Cool now was another 10 seconds of my life with a gay ass question

Have any of your friends ever farted around you or have you farted around them?

My guy friends yes girl friends no. Y u asking me these


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