
Alex Trajkovic

Ask @Alextrak69

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well u do the same thing.. u flirt with amanda who you've had a past with and she's one of ur "bestfriends" Ex's. he didn't flirt w/ haley and I'm being honest bc I was there Alex trust me

I don't flirt with Amanda at all

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what did he do bc I've heard that he didn't really do anything to U and u over reacted

He flirted with Haley yes I broke up with her yes I lost feelings but we've been dating for 7 months you think that meant nothing to me? Yes I lost feelings but I still love her put yourself in my shoes would you like it if one of your "bestfriends" decided to flirt with your ex that you just broke up with while they had a past together

it doesn't matter if it was 3 days or 10 minutes. she's single. she isn't yours. and she can do what she wants and people can flirt with her all she want and u have no authority to do anything about it

Go fuck yourself it does matter it's breaking code it's not right

if shane did flirt with haley u did worse to him with amanda js

No I asked if it was okay and I wanted 3 weeks

and my friend were the only people really close enough to them to hear them and from what we heart it was all about u. I just think that it's unfair to shane bc say shane was flirting with haley, other guys do too????? so did u flip on all of them too? haley texts hundreds of guys anyway!

No I got a friend to tell someone to back off and before I fuck them up

but don't you think that's unfair to shane???? cause if shane was flirting with her doesn't that mean she was flirting with him too?? if shane really was ur bestfriend why not talk to him about it bc i am in there math class and I saw u yell at shane and they really weren't flirting alex because me

Lol Shane put you up to this becuz people I don't even talk to told me that they were flirting

why did you get mad at shane for talking to haley?? like you're te one that broke up with her and why didn't you get mad at her?? like she was flirting with guys even when you guys were going out

I didn't get mad at her for a reason but I don't want to blow me and Shane up more than it is text me if you wanna know

Yea I knoe I dated someone for 13 months but I realized crying over it was making me go insane and so misrable

God bless you

Actually it really wasnt that anon is right just ket go ur making it worse for ur self

It's hard to let go after seven months

Honestly I would shut off your ask for the next week or so, this way you have time to think without the opinions of others. Keep smiling!!

No I'm not gonna bother let haters be haters tbh it looks like I get mad with the stuff I say but it makes me laugh all the hate amuses me becuz 99% of the time it's bullshit

Alex, I hope everything gets better for you. Everyone giving you shit should just stop they are causing unnecessary drama. This isn't even any of their business they have no right to be asking these questions this is your personal information. I don't understand why everyone had to blow this up.

Thank you so much and idk either

guys honestly fuck off alex's ask what happened between haley and him has nothing to do with u ... they loved eachother and they r both in pain okay ? loveyou alex stay strongg

Thank you Sam:)
Liked by: Sam

Haley showed me ur messages pretty damn sad if u ask me u looked really happy today idk how u did it man

Lol fuck you wanna know what's pretty damn sad 1 you prob barely even know me and 2 yeah I act all happy in public to look strong and shit but ask any of my real friends when I come home after work I break down I cry I punch things you really think I'm happy with this you think I didn't love haley? Seven fucking months we've been dating don't tell me I'm sad when your that pathetic to say shit anonymous and not to my face your the sad one

It's honestly so weird not seeing you with her :( do u miss her

Of course I do but she's talking shit about me sooooo

she was talking shit about you today during gym. she was saying how you lied to her when you broke up with her and that she knew you were hiding aomething

Let her talk shit I'm not hiding anything I have nothing to hide


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