
Jamie Cox

Ask @AllianceGames

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If you were ever in a relationship, would you ever cheat on someone?

Lets be realistic here. When would I ever be in a relationship :')

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Highlight of your year so far?

I'd probably say, going on my first date sorta thing. Yeah, I'm 19 and I've only been on one date .-.

What did the last text message you sent say?

"Yeah I do, but I'm out of town fir the next couple of days" and that was sent to someone called Keith, but I don't know who Keith is hahah

Which is your favorite TV show?

Arrow, or Dominion, or Under the Dome. Actually what am I saying? It's Game of Thrones!!!! :D

If you could have one wish, what would you wish for?

Honestly, I just wish that I had someone to have general conversations with, cause, I hardly sapeak to anyone on a day to day basis ._.

How do you think the world will look in 100 years?

Hopefully the world will always stay as beautiful as it is in this image. But it won't cause we are destroying it :(

How many people do you think you've met in your life?

Mmm, probably just under 500-700? Thats people who ive spoken to


Language: English