
Alexandra Bath

Ask @AllyFreakingSkylar

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thoughts on Jake greenham?

Well, for starters. He's a little dick ass face who is pretty good at soft ball. I love him dearly. And he is one of my guy best friends. I can pretty much trust him with anything.

Thoughts on people who cheat?

I don't see why people can cheat! Like, what does the prove?! If you're not happy in the damn relationship. Get out of it! Don't hurt a girl/guy and ruin the next relationship they get in because they can't trust them. It's the same thing as lying

Thoughts on your best friend?

My best friend eh? Well here is goes.
My best friend is the most beautiful, out going, adorable, stupid, annoying, girl I've ever met. But I love her to the moon and back. She's been there with me through everything. And I will always be there for her. When or if I see her cry I just want to kill the person the made her like that. She's the most amazing best friend you could ever find. And she's already mine. She deserves the best. She's always so out going and happy. She knows how to cheer you up when you're feeling down. I love her to bits. I'll always be there for her even if she isn't there for me. We may get in fights but it will never really last long because we can't go a day without each other. Xo :*

How do you know when you're in love?

Well, it's simple actually.
You get this feeling in your stomach that you never get when you're around someone else.
And you find yourself smiling when they are not even around. My favourite one is where you wake up everyday and they are the reason the you keep smiling and act like nothing is wrong
Liked by: Tia Welshman

For the question about your life changing decision

To let go, it's for the best. You can't start a new life if you keep reliving the old one.


Language: English