
Althaea Lucia

Ask @AlthaeaLucia

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Yes, i heard that a lot of crimes happens in japan ;v; and i read many stories like junko furuta's story..They are really painful. ;v; I want to visit japan because it's so beautiful aaand.. everything there seem cute. xD Plus i like their language very much. And ppl there seem really nice! ^-^

There are a lot of cute things there! :D But you have to be in the right area at the right time. Not everything is cute, a lot of it, especially in Tokyo where sooo many people want to go, is just like any other city. Big buildings for big corporations and business men and women everywhere you turn. But you gotta watch out for the gangs, especially in the small areas around and in the red light districts in Tokyo. ._. Some of them are really nasty.
Yes, the language is cool! o: I got to study abroad for one year because I'm learning Japanese. ^^ I would just be careful about getting ill in Japan. There are a lot of illnesses there that Westerners aren't use to and it can cause really negative effects on your health.

Will humans ever live on another planet?

In 2020, there are plans to launch Mars One that will send the first people to Mars. After that, they say it will be a thousand year process before Mars is ready for humans to start making permanent settlements there. But that's just based on the information we have now. XD No one knows how humans will really react to Mars' conditions

Yes ;u;

Well, don't get me wrong. Japan is beautiful. Compared to a lot of country's, the people there are amazingly nice, but also very socially awkward. Unless you grew up in Japan, making friends there is pretty hard, just because people aren't as social as other countries.
There's still a lot of fucked up crime that happens, just not as much. For example, a few weeks ago, someone went around in Nagoya, I think, putting toothpicks inside of children snacks at a stop. A few months before that, there was a girl who was beheading her classmates in Sasebo. Added to that, a lot of crimes, people will not help in. So, if you were to get molested on the train, chances are that no one will help you, even if you scream out. In Japan, in someone were to, say, hit the molester over the head, the police will also charge that person with a violence crime. Of course, this isn't always the case, but in my experiences, it has been, and it seems in many other people's as well.
If you plan to go to Akihabara, don't stay for more than a few hours. All it is maid cafe's and people selling over priced items, ridiculously over priced. There's a mall in Nagoya, which is about two and a half hours from Akihabra, that sells the same stuff for cheaper and they have a larger selection. Plus, it's just better than Akiba. XD
That's only some of it :L

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