
Alyssa Lynn

Ask @AlyssaLynn726

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Have you ever got into trouble with the police?

Noooo, I've been going to court for the last 3 months for no reasonn Lmfaoooo

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

Probably meeting my bestfriends, Honestly don't know what I'd do without them.

advice for all freshmans coming this September?

Lmao don't be a prep, mostly everyone hates preps.
Don't let anyone in the pit know you have smokes(Its just like elementary school when you brought gum)
If you're gonna skip, At least leave school grounds don't stay in the school lmfaooo
Bring your headphones & chargers. Never leave your house without them
be yourself, Don't follow other people.
The people you walk in the doors with for the first time, Aren't gonna be there when you walk out of those doors for the last time.
Don't be the idiot that blasts Trap music in the hallway. -.-
Don't be an idiot when you go to parties lmfao. & Don't show up to the dances drunk.. smh

What does true friendship mean to you?

Being able to go to your friends house & just walk in without knocking
Smoking poppers, Not smoking poppers
Conversations at 4am

I'm just putting this out there Kylie and cam are not meant to be. Maybe it's Kylie and Noah?who knows. Cam broke her heart and she broke his. But know that there over cam should be making sure she's happy even if it's not with him.

lol you're jokes & so are ya questions. Kylie knows & said they're jokes. gtfoooo please. you're completely irrelevant 😂✋ sit the fuck down🙅 & shut the fuck up😴😴

but Kylie didn't get mad when she found out he cheated on her she didn't get cailtyn to tell him that love isn't a game!!lol I bet if Kylie could she would lose feelings for Noah& start having feelings for cam it isn't her fault so stop.

bro who are you to to tell me to stop? you're the one who started this bullshit. so imma finish it. so anyways who is this bitch made fag hiding behind the screen?

and then to find out after Cam cheated on her he started to like her bestfriend?? And they had a thing. Then again cam hurt her.& yes I know Kylie had or still had feelings for Noah but that was when Cameron cheated on her and left her for her bestfriend. I understand cam got mad and shit but

keep going😛 I'm just gonna stop giving a fuck rn. you're wasting ma time

if you knew who this was you would be sorry lol. yes I'm causing drama but I'm also stating a fact and stating my opinion. Cam should cheated on her, she didn't even come out of her room her mom& Caitlyn basically had to drag her out(not violently)

lmao I would be sorry? 😂😂😂 Who are ya then if imma be sorry. You ain't shit rn. hiding on ask lmfao. & I'm talking to Kylie rn. bitch whatchu tryna say?¿😂🔫

maybe if he didn't hurt her so much maybe they would still be together💯

Lmaoo, you're the one speaking. come off anon so I can talk to ya(; I don't fuck around anymore. got something to say to cam done be a little bitch n hide behind a petty screen


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