
Amiel Tremblay Tessema

Ask @AmYiielLXxo3

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Is the internet better than the real world?

The internet isn't a world on its own....the two things arent even comparable

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What advice would you give to children today?

-Stay away from booze and sunshine
-Peer pressure is just a theory, you have your own mind, your mistakes are your fault, not theirs
-There is a big difference between 'really like' and 'love', he won't last long honey
-A girl has feelings, she is not a toy (this also applies to adults)
-Candy comes in many shapes and forms, if its powdered, put it down
-Smoking is not cool, its stupid, its slow suicide
-School has a different purpose than socializing with friends, start using your head
-Bullying somebody for how they look or other meaningless reasons is plain shallow, good god!!
-Enjoy yourself..but not too much
-Grow up too fast and you will regret it, trust me
-Family before friends, you have your friends for a while, but family is forever
-Fights are pointless, you don't show intelligence by proving your point through violence instead of words...
-If your friend likes the same person as you, back off gracefully
-Try making friends insted of ennemies
-Stereotypes are absolutely idiotic, get to know a person before judging them...
Do this now, kids, and when you're older, you'll be half as good as a superhuman :)

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Who can ruin our World?

...first put out your cigarette, turn off your lights, and your car engine, go to your neuclear plant and shut it down, freaking plug ur anus and stop farting AND THEN the answer won't be "MANKIND" -_-

What advice would you give a person coming to live in your country?

Please, do yourself a favor and pack an umbrella

What is the most interesting city to visit in your country?

It not much of a city as it is a town, its greener than it is builldingyy...if thats even a word....
the great part about Lalibella = 11 giant churches carved by hand out of one giant rock (Each) centuries ago...its just mind blowing...beautiful

You really love him/her don't you? (right now a name just popped into your head, you know it, i know it, they know it... IF YOU HAVE GUTS i dare you to write his/her name) :)


What are your bad habbits?

I bite my nails (putain de merde i'm ruining them)
:) haha cant think of anything else
-__- cause i'm awesome

Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

I love everyone around me, and i keep those i loathe away
I smile when i wake up and i go to bed smiling at the end of the day
:) I know my life isn't perfect, but if it was i would be weird...so since i'm thankful for all that i have now, the good, the bad and the in between...YES, i am a "happy person" :)

What should there be in a perfect city?

LIGHT instead of darkness
LOVE instead of hate
PEACE instead of violence
JUSTICE instead of crime
EQUALITY instead of division
i just described Utopia
the world must unite


Language: English