

Joe Biden is not my president.

Oh, I'm sorry, do you prefer incompetent pedophilic dictators with bipolar and dementia? Then you can do like the republicans suggested last season and move out.

No I do not. But I did not vote for Joe Biden and he has no legal authority over me.

he does if he's been certified. your refusal says volumes about what you truly want... joe is undoing a lot of damage left by that other psycho.

I didn't say what I want or don't want. I just stated the obvious fact that he is not my president no matter what he's going to do.

so yeah that's a tell. if you don't want what he wants, like equality and justice, then.... what DO you want?? hmmmmmmmmm??

First of all I want this pandemic to end and I definitely wouldn't mind a more equal and just world, but what does that have to do with Biden?

... why do you dislike him? I think you don't understand that you're parroting far right ideologies in general, the same far right that tried to overthrow a legal and democratic election with violence and threats... to not want your new president is to reject him and all he stands for... including equality, compassion, cooperation and peace. trump left quite a few international organizations that benefit us in the long run, messing it up for us. biden rejoined and is trying to soothe international affairs so we might salvage what relationships we can out of it. that's just one example.

Maybe he is, I don't know much about his policies. But he's not my president and will likely never be.

but why? he's the president of the US, and unless you don't live here or unless you reject his policies or personality or executive action, he is supposed to be your president.
is there some reason other than literal neonazi ideals that you don't want him as president?

Because I'm from Ecuador and my president is Lenín Moreno.

oh, i see. "not my president" is a phrase that isn't factual so much as a rejection of someone's legitimacy. the US recently had a president who technically lost the people's vote last term but because of the system of voting we have, representatives could still choose against the will of the people. so we had a leader who didn't want to peacefully give up power either... he had his cronies storm the capitol and attempt a coup. now they're crying, "not my president" not because he didn't win majority vote, but rather because he doesn't reflect their neonazi elitist values.

Language: English