
Queen of Cool

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A moose knuckle?

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
I just woke up, and I'm haunting YouTube, again. I saw a trend called "Moose Knuckle".
There is actually a song by the same name. Glowrilla has started it.
All this is about is a camel toe on women. I wear underwear, so I don't have this problem. Women's vaginas are self cleaning so their pants, panties etc will be stained, not to mention having urine/fecal matter on them after a bathroom visit even if you're a really clean person. It's called feminine hygiene for a reason. There are even pantiliners for thongs so there is no excuse.
Who the hell wants to see someone's private parts through their clothes? Please wear underwear and stop grossing everyone out. This sets a bad example for children and young ladies 'cause they watch every tik tok bullshit trend.

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Young people, please leave your beautiful faces alone.....

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
Leave your teeth alone too. Kylie Jenner is getting backlash for her face. I agree with everyone that said she's done that to herself. I also agree with Kendall that people dehumanize the Kardashians. Welcome to Hell. I was relentlessly bullied for most of my life. People hated me existing and told me to my face. I wished they only talked about my face. Lol. If people blaspheme and talk about the most wonderful person ever born, Jesus, they will dog you out and talk about you. I recommend getting the thickest skin possible.
Your body, especially your skeleton, doesn't stop growing until your mid twenties. So, you don't even know how your face will fill out. The only thing people this age should be getting is regular facials and moisturizer.
I see so many stunning kids that don't have a stitch of makeup on. Less is more even if you glam in the evening. If I could talk to Kylie, I would just say leave your face alone, Babe. Just get facials and let it heal. She looks good with no makeup, let your face breathe. You don't need fillers or Botox. An example of ageless beauty is Stevie Nicks - she takes great care of her skin.
People thought I wore makeup in my 20's. I only wore moisturizer, clear mascara and lip gloss.
A lot of people get veneers. Why? Your teeth are drilled until they look like baby demon teeth. The tooth structure and natural strength are destroyed. I've had to have work done, but it was to remove silver fillings and get crowns to look healthy and normal. Veneers don't look normal, and you have to get them redone. And then you'll probably need dentures or implants when they can't be replaced anymore. Braces and teeth whitening work wonders too.
Be your beautiful self. 💜

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I have a pimple in my nose and it’s been bothering me for a while and I don’t know what to do

You need something soothing:
If that doesn't work, try a professional facial or a dermatologist. Also, how is your vitamin intake? Zinc will help, hair skin and nails gummies and fatty acids.

549 Dahlings....

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
Thanks for following me. I love my Beautiful Weirdos.
It's end of the month metalhead time. Two of my favorite musicians, Phil from Pantera and Yngwie Malmsteen have birthdays today.
"Walk on home, boy." Phil is a favorite vocalist. His voice is out of this World.
https://youtu.be/AkFqg5wAuFk?si=J6QT227tXPPwoc-_Amberanise’s Video 173811393773 AkFqg5wAuFkAmberanise’s Video 173811393773 AkFqg5wAuFk
Cool cover from Avenged Sevenfold. M Shadow is also a favorite:
https://youtu.be/G6YqCTOBZdk?si=Hk0qvOC5cv0I7W6UAmberanise’s Video 173811393773 G6YqCTOBZdkAmberanise’s Video 173811393773 G6YqCTOBZdk
Yngwie did an amazing cover of Scorpions "Sails of Charon". The vocals are phenomenal.
https://youtu.be/GCcwE4W-jY8?si=vSKY0RCpfJJRYTMiAmberanise’s Video 173811393773 GCcwE4W-jY8Amberanise’s Video 173811393773 GCcwE4W-jY8
The amazing original:
https://youtu.be/Zs5NOrYYV2s?si=qC4WvSqna_LVk0nBAmberanise’s Video 173811393773 Zs5NOrYYV2sAmberanise’s Video 173811393773 Zs5NOrYYV2s
Notice how light Uli's fingers are when he plays. This intro is goals.

While this is happening, God is moving.

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
He is about to pour his spirit onto all flesh, according to the book of Joel. I know what it feels like, but he is going to unleash his full power on the World. One time, I felt like the lowest living organism, like slime on the bottom of a rock. I went to sleep feeling like total crap. God poured his love into me. He gave me the strength to keep living and it felt like Jesus gave me a great big hug. I woke up shaking and humbled. I felt so loved and cared for. It won't hurt; he will restore your soul and heal you whether you want him to or not. What you do after that is up to you. The veil will lift and you will see the snakes and the fakes among the real people.

There's a huge celebration for the Summer Solstice.....

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
The Satanists are going for great power. What they don't understand is that the real power of Hell is being invoked and evoked. They are about to meet the ones whose power they've used to "manifest" and cause their vision boards to come true. And they want payment. They are taking souls, body parts and blood. They will take over people's bodies and unleash Hell. So, prayers, it's war.
Theres a huge celebration for the Summer Solstice

Happy Mother's Day

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
I miss my Lily. I once bought her a pink ribbon that said "World's Best Mom", she wore it to church in her pretty purple dress suit and favorite beige high heels. She looked so pretty. Anyway, the ladies came up to her and looked at it. One of them said "I bet it's true". Mom said "She's prejudiced." Lol. I was, but she is the World's best Mom. RIP Precious. It's the 5th anniversary of my dad's death this month, and I'm really missing him and my sister. My two beautiful Winter Days and Mama my beautiful Spring one.
Dad and Sis (love and miss you,) brought the funk - Funk 101. These are for them:
https://youtu.be/rl-WSmryfSY?si=9jm-ZZy4h3E8zZbQAmberanise’s Video 173679409133 rl-WSmryfSYAmberanise’s Video 173679409133 rl-WSmryfSY
"If you hear any noise, it's just me and the boys, hit me! You gotta hit the band."
https://youtu.be/GT3ecv01xDE?si=LXPO1ubq9Kg3poIkAmberanise’s Video 173679409133 GT3ecv01xDEAmberanise’s Video 173679409133 GT3ecv01xDE

People need to steer clear of race talk......

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
What's going on is demonic/hell spawn stuff. People that think they are God, that their race is supreme, whatever delusion they are under, they need to stop playing with people.
When I saw this, I was like, "three, two, one"...
https://youtu.be/JHq5Cke4w1c?si=bjKVAqIuS5XEGx0CAmberanise’s Video 173679354093 JHq5Cke4w1cAmberanise’s Video 173679354093 JHq5Cke4w1c
It's assault if someone acts like they're going to hit you. It's battery if they make physical contact with you.
These kids on college campuses do not need to get involved in BLM/Marxist/Racist bullshit either. Shut up and go home, because you don't even know who and what's behind this "everyone's against Israel" crap. It's biblical.
The four men that gang raped, killed and then ate a monitor lizard is also an example of demonic activity. Bestiality is running rampant all over the World along with the demonic madness. Not only will Abaddon torture those with the mark for five months, there are people that are being driven mad.
Jesus warned us. So I encourage you to remain peaceful and calm. All the prayer warriors, keep going. The fire's building up.

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People need to steer clear of race talk

Decoys helped disguise what the Elite were doing.....

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
However, they didn't expect so many things being exposed, did they?
As much as they would like you to think that there is global warming, the ice in the North and South Poles are still there. Also, how do they explain the 1,000 ice wall that can clearly be seen if you go far enough?
God's pulling up all the rootworks to expose them. If they think they are uncomfortable now, just wait a little bit. Holy Ghost fire will make it red hot.

I'm in yacking mode, lol.

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
While everyone was looking at the Black Sun (fake solar eclipse,) something huge was released from Antarctica.
https://youtu.be/b65KuxgESUY?si=BwkloZ6XXhPYBbCmAmberanise’s Video 173679305197 b65KuxgESUYAmberanise’s Video 173679305197 b65KuxgESUY
You can Google the Black Sun. Abaddon, the Angel chained in the Bottomless Pit, has most likely been released. How you know is that people are going crazy all over the World.
Revelation 9: "And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.
11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."

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Amberanise’s Video 173679305197 b65KuxgESUYAmberanise’s Video 173679305197 b65KuxgESUY

Have you heard about all that nonsense about a bear or a man in the woods?

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
Bears eat people, so why in the flying hell would I want to be in the woods with one? Ladies, make sense. I'm a biological woman, and I have enough sense to either go with a cool guy, my guy friends from grade school or my brothers if I wanted to go into the woods with dudes. Of course my idea or roughing it would be a cabin with a hot and cold running water and a black and white tv. Just rent a airb in the forest and remember to take your glock and a shotgun in case a bear wants to get friendly with you.
One of the dumbest questions ever.

It's interesting that they mentioned end times vibes.

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
Hey Dahlings. One of the neatest natural phenomenons that has happened this year are the smoke rings from Mt. Etna. God is unusual, so this is just the kind of thing he would do.
It's like he put his big hand over the top and made smoke rings, a really large group of Native Americans making huge smoke signals, or my daddy making smoke rings with his pipe to make us kids laugh. LoL.
https://youtu.be/fr8VYNg0gdw?si=o6lKVNpEVt3tovqFAmberanise’s Video 173679250925 fr8VYNg0gdwAmberanise’s Video 173679250925 fr8VYNg0gdw

Yep, I'd be in jail.

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
If it were my parents, the piece of shit pedophiles would have been dealt with quietly. My mom, elegant as she was, would have put her favorite knife in one pocket, maybe her pistol in the other, and someone would end up missing a few body parts and in the hospital. Or buckshot in the ass courtesy of my dad.
I've seen too many Mafia movies for anyone to find the body. My Gen X friends would have bought their shovels. #POSdonegonemissingmf

And people wonder why God is furious......

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
A lot of former child stars are talking about how they were raped/molested. These children are groomed and turned out, the younger the better, for esoteric/supernatural purposes. If they are sodomized at the right age, according to Thelema, there are gateways of power that can be accessed. Men and women in executive positions are having sex with people's children and think they will keep getting away with it. God is beyond regular depths of fury and will avenge everyone that has been hurt. Jesus has had time to think about what he'll do to these people.

My namesake has been shining so bright.....

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
She looks like a beautiful pearl when she's full. She will be a part of the solar eclipse on Monday. A blood moon. What's so special about this eclipse is that a
lot of people will participate in evil activities during this time. In particular, blood rituals and sacrifices. If you are of the mind to participate in these things, I highly recommend that you don't.
The angel that has been chained in the bottomless pit, Apollyon, is about to be released, and he and his army are set to punish the wicked for five months. Revelation 9.
Basically, "don't start none, won't be none."

I heard a lot of guys are talking about ladies smelling bad after BBL surgery.

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
Sounds like a hygiene problem to me. If you're super sized like me, or have recently got a big butt, you have to reach more and scrub. No way around it.
Ladies, your vagina is on the inside of your body and self cleans. Your vulva which is the external genitalia (ladytown,) needs to be thoroughly cleaned. I'm not mocking anyone. Some very intelligent people don't know how to wash. YouTube can help if necessary.
There's an epidemic of people not bathing at all or thinking letting soap suds run down your body is sufficient. All it takes is breaking down and scrubbing head to toe. There are too many soft washcloths and soap and water in the World for such nonsense. Fat people have a stigma because some are too lazy to wash. I am not, I smell lovely and I'm clean. People like to be around you, hug you and kiss you if you're clean. God is immaculate, and wants you to be clean for you. You are worthy of that, so cut the crap and wash your butt. Lol. Get your ears and behind your ears- They get gross and you can't hear anything with a bunch of wax in them. Wash your belly button so it won't smell like a landfill and your feet. Some people never wash their feet and get fungal problems. If you're detoxing, make sure you bathe daily because your skin is helping you get rid of metabolic wastes. If you don't wash, you can get sores and skin conditions, ulcers, boils, mrsa, etc. Dry yourself thoroughly. Powder, crystal deodorant body spray and perfume, or cologne can make you feel so bougie.
There are also a lot of people that don't wear deodorant. There are crystal ones, solid ones without aluminum, so there's no reason to stink up your clothes and your personal space because of fear or laziness. That's gross. There's this Thai crystal deodorant spray you can use on armpits/bikini/ladytown/private dude areas that works for 24 hours. It's a favorite of mine, plus Suave cherry blossom so I smell like flowers. Lol.
Lastly, brush your teeth, fluoride-free, and use mouth rinse and breath mints. If I get to meet you, I'm smelling good/breath fresh so I can hug my Weirdos.

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I'm just going to say this. I have loved ones in my family that are powerful witches. Fani Willis is a witch.

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
Witchcraft- 1) separates people from loved ones so they can be 2) manipulated, 3) intimidated and 4) dominated. You can be unaware one too- a "blind" witch. Nathan Wade is one. The only reason I am alive is God's love and grace or witches would have killed me and my mom long ago. I've been on the bottom of the devil's hit list too. I know witch ways and energy; my stepmother was a mean one. So trust me when I tell you this: please get away from witchcraft before it's too late. Jezebel was thrown from a window, dogs ate her and then pooped her out on ground, fulfilling a prophecy in the Bible. The only thing left of her to bury were her skull, the palms of her hands and her feet.That's what God thinks of witchcraft. He's going to unleash his power on the wicked in such a way that they will have no doubt he really exists, and he is almighty.

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The third defense attorney said it best. Their "office is a global laughing stock".

Amberanise’s Profile PhotoQueen of Cool
Ashleigh Merchant was brilliant- her data digging brought up that whole can of worms. It messed up Fani so much that she inserted herself onto the stand in a backwards dress before anyone summoned her. Judge McAfee's final ruling was scathing and appropriate. The Lead Attorney and AV to the 7th Power's coverage has had me laughing the whole time.
On a side note: what's happened to proper underwear and slips? I had an old school mom; so I find myself wishing young women knew how to wear a dress. Fani's about my age, so she knows better.
If you wear a dress, please wear underwear. Thongs are not underwear- dental floss that shows your butt ain't underwear. Also, pantyhose and slips make you look nice. Get the right size dress or skirt and you don't need a girdle. I like shapewear, but I personally don't wear it much. (Medical shapewear is the bomb for after surgery swelling though.) My curves are real and I let them alone for proper blood circulation. I'm also trying to be comfy. A slip makes the dress flow, and if it or your skirt catch the wind, all you see is a pretty slip and legs, lol. Pantyhose the color of your skin looks good. I'm medium coffee colored, so I wear that shade or off black or charcoal if I'm wearing a cool color or black.

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