
Mariana Angel Medina

Ask @Amedina28

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What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

I don't care tbh. I mean if it's what makes them happy, and they're doing it for them and nothing anyone else, then who should stop them?

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Are you frightened or curious about the future?

Idk both.
The world is bad as it is, and is getting worser & worser.. But curious to see how much people will be generous and nice.

How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

Well I don't know how many. So ill name them.
1. Elizabeth
2. Emily
3. Adriana
4. Paul
5. Dina
6. Xavier
7. My brother
8. My sister
9. Mom
10. Dad
11. Mercedes ponceeeeeeee
12. Ebony *bfc* best friend cousin. :)

Did Neyda ever tell u something in the Hal's like she said she would ???

Lol no she never did. :b
(Sorry I berly awnsered haven't been on.)

What makes you stronger everyday?

Well I mean..
I'm not the strongest person, but I guess you may have seen me to know that I'm "strong" everyday. But it's simply by surrounding myself by the people I love and trust to make a happier me & a happier life. They're the ones who lift me up when I'm about to give up.

Basketball isn't the time to be arguing? It's about the game.. not bullshit.

Then don't tell me something on here, then pussy out from saying it to my face.

Bitch, stfu. Just cause someone asked you that right when we were arguing, doesn't mean that was me. You always assume shit. Take off your anon shit & maybe you would know. I can't even ask anonymous , if you don't even know then STFU.

Ha bet you can't tell me that in person keyboard gangstaaa

That's kind of funny, cause I didn't even ask you that question? Haha! xD.

That's kind of funny that I got that question right when we were arguing. You're lying just like you've lied before.

Are you bi?

The least you can do is take your thing off of ananomous Neyda. And have the balls. You're only asking cause I proved a point and that you're just mad.


Language: English