

Ask @AmilieeFemme

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Stefan + Katherine | We're together [5x09] what's the song in your vid?

It is Adam Taylor - Ascent :)

What makes you smile?

A lot of things makes me smile actually. :) Passing some good quality time with my family or friends. Receiving surprises, conpliments... Doing stuff that I love :)

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Can you take a selfie holding abit of paper to the camera that says "punch yourself in the balls"

And why's that?!

I gotchuu. Well you're cute doe

Aww thank you anon ^^ you are sweet! By curiosity, from where did you find me?

Hahaha why?

I don't know I just hate it. I guess I don't like having to much app for chatting. I already have enough :: message txt, messenger, whatsapp...

Wanna help humiliate and expose my ex on Twitter? His name is Ricky and he has a foot fetish. He LOVES to smell and lick girls socks. He also has a HUGE weakness for girls feet in black tights. He even likes to lick girls boots! Please put him on blast and tweet him! His twitter is RwEightyFive

And why the hell would I do that ! I have so much more interesting things to do than this. **sigh

DM idkk im a bit too shy.

Don't worry, I am shy too you know haha! Sometimes you need to take risk in life ! It makes it more interesting;)

Your so beautiful, what do I do to get your attention?

I don't know, DM me that will be a good start I guess haha xD

How was your day?

It was pretty good thank you. But the night doe ! What a night haha I had a blast and it really felt good. That's what I needed. Forget about everything else and live the present moment :)

who do you admire?

I will have to say my mom :)she taught me so much and I don't know what I would do without her. She taught me the important values in life and she accept me for who I am.

Sorry again but I'll try I mean I'm doing the best I can I just don't think its enough. thanks tho beautiful

Just keep it up! And know that I am there for you :)


Language: English