

people who hate you and write hate and obviously sit and stalk you day in day out worry me... alot... I think they need help. NOW.

indeed, they obviously think about me a fuck load ;D

Latest answers from Princess

Maybe i remember how i treated you and how badly you hurt me.

maybe that was a long time ago and theres a reason youre not in my life and how I can't be fucked with people from my past
stop asking me questions now or ill block ye ty.

Trust me I know quite a bit about you and suggest its time you start being a little nicer to disabled people.

good for you but I doubt it lol cya

To be fair you take great pleasure in harming others, But this little act you play dressing up of princess seriously you can relive your childhood. So learn to accept it x

you realise the second half of that was worded poorly and doesnt make sense? l2spellcheck/make sentences.
I dont "act" princess. I dont like to hurt people at all. you clearly dont know me at all hahaha. My friends that speak to me every single day on skype, that have seen me before, through and after every stage of my life of the last 6months - 1 year know exactly what im like, and love me to bits. Because I am not my online personas. like for real, youre idiotic get out.

Well maybe i'm new to your page and might be being polite? As for the X its called a kiss which most people would a brain would put x

I know what its called, but putting a "kiss" doesnt make a statement nice
'youre fucking idiotic x' does that sound nice to you?
as for new to my page....are you able to read and scroll down? then do that k cool bye

Sam he likes u x

who the fuck is Sam
I consider myself the friend of one Sam, well, hes the only Sam that comes to mind

How am I Idiotic asked nicely and you called me f..king idiotic.

because if anyone ever saw my posts or bothered to scroll through here then youd see thay ive spoken about my mental health
whats idiotic is saying "heard youve got issues" like, you don't know me clearly and straight up ask so disrespectfully? you do realise putting an x at the end doesnt make it nice

Not recently but hear you got issues x

youre fucking idiotic
I dont have issues
I have depression
and that's under control ty

Language: English