

Ask @AmyBraham

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You can't trust Troy, girl.. He's telling everyone you cheated on him twice. It's cool when you talk about your sexual life, but he's hanging out your dirty laundry online. Uncool man, uncool.

Let me set this straight, he had told me to not do two things that he also classed as cheating 1) watching porn...which I did. 2)physically cheat. I did, i was kissed. and i guess a third then which is being calling others attractive, which he has also done

Why are you telling people on here that you and Troy are together when he clearly states on his ask that you two broke up?

we are back together? tard. look at his ask.
Liked by: Jamie Lea

Amy, you're to me you'll always be a beautiful Rose, no matter what. You can always count on me to have your (sexy) back. We're in this together, ja?

Troy Funk
hehehe, oh you and your puns, my (grey) knight in shining armour ;D

Aw, did they give you a lollipop too? No, it means you're flat chested, and therefore even MORE unattractive. That's it xox

that's a dentist you 'tard.
and no, its from me also talking to people about surgery when i'm older, big boobs aren't everything and if that's what you're hoping is going to get you through life and relationships then you're more fucked than I am

At least I'm not a fat cunt, yet some how I still have bigger tits than you.

ive been told repeated time that if you have smaller boobs at my age, I will be thin later in life with great tits as they wont sag :) (and this is from doctors and shit)

What about the anal thing, is your vagina a total wreck and that's why he likes it?

no, my vagina is not a total wreck, we have passion fucking most of the time, anal has happened like once or twice.

'if you're going to use my weight against me then you are a low cunt' You've insulted someone because of their weight before you daft cow. You're not special.

not directly? I said I didn't find a certain size attractive and wouldn't name names either way.

I beat all these bitches, I've already kissed your bf in the last couple of months. Hes good.

no you didn't :)

You can deffo see it hun. Maybe cut down on the maccys and your bf MIGHT not leave you for someone skinny, and not slutty.

tbh, yeah, I have put on 10lbs since like 2 weeks before I started working there but at the end of the day I stopped being obsessed with my weight because THAT was ruining us, I was getting underweight and he likes me just as much now. if you're going to use my weight against me then you are a low cunt

Block me, really? You know there's a way to get past it right? Your body is like 20lbs too chubby, covered in emo-tags and you look like a sack on tiny little stilts. Your vagina probably resembles a hippo mouth, no wonder guys want to try anal with you xox


Amy is so nice I never want to leave her, not ever. No. NO.

Troy Funk
good thing I blocked the anon from sending messages so they cant even reply to this xD <3

Do you think he'd tell you if I did, after all you've done? What's a bit of harmless flirting, after all. You said you don't class porn as cheating? Might send him a vid. :L xox

he really would, hes honest, he wouldn't do anything in revenge. he classes porn as cheating loool, do it, he may throw up though as he only likes my body ;D now goodbye pathetic anon

Wait what.. how did you get your hair from black to the color is is now without fucking it up completely:o

4 bleaches, blonde dye :) it is completely fucked haha

Well, I know I've never cheated, that on its own makes me a more attractive option.

hardly, too hideous to show your face now so :)

Aha, I know it's big, I know a girl he's slept with. Good at oral too, right? I srsly cannot wait xox

you are so pathetic I cant even :')


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