

Ask @AmyBraham

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"Does that make murdering animals ok" - ... Yes. You can't murder an animal, they don't have human rights. We can do whatever the fuck we want. I'd rather eat a nice chicken than walk around with my head up my ass pretending I'm better than people xD

Troy Funk
Liked by: king julian

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I haven't said a thing about my point of view so you can't judge it. what I have made clear is my opinion on what you are saying. I'm not 'preaching' I'm pointing out that you are talking complete and utter shit.

your point of view is all the messages you've sent.

ok nobody can tell you what you can and can't eat but its just the trying to justify what they do that is wrong. you could just say you know its wrong and don't care but going on about how its not that bad because its free range ect. is a shit point of view to have.

your point of view is ridiculous. go preach elsewhere (tell it to someone who cares).
Liked by: king julian

People that get deficiency of nutrients of veg diets it's because they don't know what/how much to eat. You can do perfectly well without supplements. Meat is not necessary and as you said "because u like the taste" not because u need it. Is that enough reason to support the murder of an animal?

I don't support the murder, and if cows started to become extinct then i'd stop. go preach elsewhere, I will answer no more questions from veggie-bashers.

Get over it, princess braham eats meat, so what? So does a majority of her kingdom and the world, doesn't make her highness a bad person you tits.

omg thankyou, jesus.

a lot of vegetarians get an iron deficiency. they don't go back to eating dead animals. iron tablets help.

they didn't help me, I went back to eating meat because I like the taste.
Liked by: king julian

if you _need_ meat to have your protein how do vegans do perfectly well? just a few take supplements...i guess they are weak and they are all going to die soon yeah sure. facepalm ON YOU. go ask any dr or whoever with common sense so they tell u MCDONALDS IS NOT HEALTHY wtf r u ok.

listen....I was a vegetarian for years, in that time I tried veganism and the pescetarian lifestyle. I know there are other ways of getting protein, but yes I was a weak one as I developed an iron deficiency from it. so you need a lot of broccoli etc to get the right amount of protein and iron...which most people choose to get from meat. McDonald's isn't healthy, I never said it was.

um no. im telling u people lots of people go, some others dont because they care for not eating shit and not supporting animal cruelty. and little bitch by rape i dont mean the workers have sex w them. it means that they are artificially impregnated so fucing much they are so weak so they kill them.

most who don't go choose that as it's fast food and unhealthy, it's the minority that don't go because of 'animal cruelty'
please learn to spell.

It's probably Katie sending you hate hahaha

i don't care who it is, if she's pathetic enough to do that then it shows who she really is. Except i have hope that she's a better person than that.

How the fuck would you know how they "Treat" the animals? You're just a greasy burger flipper silently being judged by the people who buy your spit in crap!

i'm not a burger flipper, i'm on tills, i've read up on it and know people that go to inspect the farms that they buy their beef from and guess what, a lot of branches do!

Yeah you are right many people don't go into McDonald's bcz they hate it.If ppl want to eat shit ok. But it's not enough, since they destroying the enviroment or factory farming (gurl do u believe its free range srsly even if it was...) mass slaughtering animals, it's not just a personal choice.

i served over 100 customers on Saturday, and there were 10 tills open and YOU'RE telling me people don't go to Maccies?

yes i am vegetarian, I'm not giving you grief. that question is the only one I sent because it came up and I disagree with anybody who tries to justify what they are doing, it doesn't matter where you work, its still wrong. its not about how nice they treat them, they still slaughter them after.

they slaughter them so we can get protein. please preach to all companies and we'll see where you get.

um no I haven.t but people I know have and clearly factory farming is not nice at all. Its super cruel,do you think they are going to give them proper care? Even if they did. murder is murder.They only care about $. And still .eating animals damages the planet to death, so hypocritical.

they don't factory farm, the animals are free to roam on farms. they're against animal cruelty. omg go preach your vegetarianism elsewhere, you're the reason people hate vegetarians. i am so glad i wasn't so bad o.o

the meat from Mcdonalds isn't from real animals, it made from a machine x

actually it is from locally sourced farms which produce free ranged meat products.
Liked by: James Warren

so fund raising and 'giving back to the environment' makes slaughtering animals okay. makes sense.

are you a vegetarian/vegan by any chance? do you give this much grief to people who work at KFC or posh restaurants ? you ignore half of my answer, you don't know how they treat their animals, i do. they are not cruelly locked away.
Liked by: James Warren


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