

Ask @AmyBraham

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you are too sweet why you work on mcdonalds i know ofc u need money but do you not give a shit about the trash they sell and about how cruel are they to animals? if u have the minimal respect for dogs/cats why not for cows? they are not objects. i say this because u clearly dont hate ur job.

i'm sorry, have you worked for McDonald's do you know how they treat their animals? what they do for charity? how much they fund-raise and give back to the environment? no you don't, i do.
Liked by: James Warren

Why does everyone think you're gorgeous? You're gross. You don't deserve any of the attention that you get, because you are just genuinely an attention seeking child. Hope you can grow up at some point.

i'm growing up every day; i'm learning from my mistakes. i haven't done any attention seeking actions in a very long time. you need to ask the people who call me gorgeous as to why, then find out the ratio on your opinion to theirs and realize something ;D
Liked by: king julian

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which is the best uk online store to purchase kawaii clothing items? :)

i don't know a uk online store really, i buy off ebay/etsy/taobao
Liked by: Valerie

Ok well if you can think of another word for a girl who's slept with more people by the time she's 16 then most people have by the time they're 40, you get back to me

i'm sorry, if you're going to call me a slut turn to the people we all know on over 15, i can think of many people straight away on over double than i am, who are also my age or a year difference.
Liked by: James Warren

You're not Facebook famous,you're just infamous for being a slut

i never thought i was fb famous, and actually i'm not :P

could you do a make up tutorial of smokey eyes without false eyelashes?x

uhhh it won't look very good, you could always take the one i have and y'know....not add eyelashes...xx

What made you want to have pink hair? and what kind of style are you going for? half and half, streaks, under over? <3

i've already said a few times that it's half and half again, i hate streaks and underlayers. i've had pink hair a few times before and i liked it, same with orange <3

Actually I knew someone with orange and pink hair also. using the exact same dyes... It was pretty tacky.

WELL I DON'T KNOW THEM. And some hairstyles look more tacky on some than others :)

I don't think mcdonalds will be too pleased when they're employee comes strolling in with (tacky) orange and pink hair or whatever it was. Not professional looking, not smart. Just typical of you little groms trying to look original

not trying to be original, it wont be tacky, my shift worker had bright pink hair for years. and all my hair will be hidden under my cap.

What make up artist or photographer would want to work with someone with "scars", tell the next joke.

i did a lot of modeling when i was younger, and i have done 6 shoots in the past 3 years. it's called photoshop, and there is special make up that can cover scars too.

I wasn't pestering you I was giving you constructive critiques for your video, you said yourself it wasn't good, and asked what people would like to see, sorry if I insulted you, but I cannot really send one question due to character limitations you'd be surprised many men and women don't know them.

it isn't good due to quality and i'm not talking through what i was doing and why etc that's why i'm remaking it :')
yeah i asked people what they'd like to see but you didnt give me an idea? wasnt insulted as i already knew.

You like animal crossing?!?? Omfg I'm so happy ! Your the only person I know who likes it aswell as me!!^_^ need the new one so bad hehe;3

i love it! And me too! but i need the new DS haha :( birthday present i hope xD
i la-la-la-lave animal crossing n_n

Amy has a lot of respect. shes helped me out a lot in the past and lately. she's beautiful and brilliant and jealous people like you need to piss off and get a life you stupid anon. have some respect for her like you are preaching you moron. ^.^ luv ya Amy

awww thankyou my dear sweet anon, you're very kind ^_^ <3

Are you like,part Japanese? You kinda look like your are it's so cute^_^

No i'm not, i really really wish i was though! this is such a huge compliment i'm like gobsmacked :P

You are not famous! Not everyone knows who you are! How bloody rude of you, I'm so shocked. Just because you think you're a princess doesn't mean you are. You're just a rude little girl that has no respect for no one but yourself.

I never said i was famous, i don't think i am xD but to have come across my ask they would have either have me on facebook (which means knowing me duh) or have seen my ask before to have gone onto my youtube :)
i'm more of a princess than you bby ;D
i actually respect a lot of people, but not little know-it-alls, fair enough giving me one tip but sending 4 massive messages i was just going to delete....it's pestering. i admit i was rude, but as i said, i would have appreciated the messages if i didnt already know them from like 4 years ago lololol.
Liked by: Eleanor Sanders

You are so ungrateful! That person is trying to help you out/give you tips but you have just thrown it back in their face! Not to mention how rude you are! Have some respect.

They obviously have no idea who i am if they think i dont know this stuff, i've explained before that i've had training and when i did the video it went against a lot of rules i did for myself but i was asked to do it. and to send like four messages in a row is being annoying not helpful. i would've been grateful if i didnt already know the most obvious tips in the world

Hi, you don't know me and I don't know you, but I just got a nasty message about you. I just thought I'd inform you of this because it's courteous, I guess? =/

Charlotte Hewins
To my dear anon, i don't live a cartoon life, i enjoy mine for all the little things. I dress up in Lolita to create an alternate life for me, so i don't have to put up with shit from you, i enjoy what i do and you can slag me off to whoever you like, even those i don't know but it won't stop me from what i'm doing, if anything, you're encouraging me.
also, charlotte, thankyou for telling me, that's kind of you x

Also it is proven that lighter colour eye shadow (Beige, white, nude, pastelle colours) enlarges your eyes while darker colours make your eyes look inset pro tip.. Lightly dust the corner of your eyes with white eye liner..not the water line but the bit by the nose. I hope this helps. ^_^ xxx

i was asked to do a normal smokey eye. i know what i'm doing in my own video. god, you can't think you're helping? i usually always add white as it brightens up your whole eye making them look less tired. And for the record, i've had make up stylists for photoshoots ever since i was young, and i've taken 3 beauty courses during the summer periods. i know what you're talking about, everyone should. you've said the easiest 'tips' thinking i don't know them, and i am not a moron.

The white water line effect does work at enlarging your eyes.. But it extinguished with Circle lenses. I know everyone loves them. but for the larger eye look it's best to see more white in your eye And the circle lenses makes your iris bigger making it look like u have a huge white line through it.

how does that make any sense, i drag out the white UNDER my waterline too and it makes my eyes look wider and that's what i was going for -.-


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