

Ask @AmyBraham

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take that make up off love hahaha

No make up. Already uploaded before. Amongst others. Youre soooooo funny, become a comedian bbe, better yet!!! ; leave me alone ye
Liked by: ✝Babe✝

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fair one, but if you dont care why dont you just put it on? not asking just saying

BECAUSE THE PEOPLE BADGERING ME AND PERVY AND CREEPY AND THATS WEIRD. 30 year old followers arent that weird fucking hell. Besides 690 would see my line on here, its ok for me to give it out when someone asks.. But privately

i respect your decision on keeping you life private

Hahaha I dont, I just dont like persistent people badgering me.

I did that for 2 years haha But she wanted to me dress in tight clothes to show off my "super model figure". which got me called fat, slutty and a street walker.. But thank you, Oh and what eye make up and brushes do you use?

I just use a regular blending brush I bought from taobao for everything eye related haha, I dont remember which one. Eye make up is lashes from ebay in a pack of ten, ysl mascara, rimmel pen liner, im so lazy to grab my make up bag or id tell you exactly haha. Need a primer tbh

If someone wanted to get one of their pictures on your tumblr.. how would they do that..? I want people to see me as beautiful but stay anon..

Submit to my blog, females only pls xo

Whenever I put my make-up on (2 layers of concealer, couple layers of foundation yada yada) my mum has a go at me and doesn't realise I can't feel happy without it.. my baggy clothes make me feel nice and make-up to me is like art, but she just see's it as wasting money ://

Thats more base make up than me! Surprisingly.
Keep doing what youre doing, if it makes you happy.
If she still has a go then dress how she wants for a day, but be absolutely miserable, then say that youre going to get changed into something more comfortable and be a beaming ray of sunshine when youre back with how you like to look!

I wanted to ask this as another female, but what do you think about girls who have sex alot with other people that don't cheat and theres no feelings?. As I had an argument over this, because I believe a female should do as she pleases aslong as she's single. As it can't hurt anybody.

This is a really tricky thing for me to have an opinion on. Females and males can do as they wish, in my eyes, as long as it doesnt hurt anyone. I personally wouldn't do it, like have a fuck buddy, I dont understand how you can just have casual sex with someone and not develop feelings?? Like, youre showing someone one of the most vulnerable sides to you in such an intimate way. Idk.
Liked by: Kathryn Edwards

If you could hypnotise someone would you make them bow down and kiss your feet?

Why the hell would I do that when I could get them to buy me cute underwear
Liked by: Princess

you've never met me in your life, but i fell in love with you as soon as i saw your lolita in town, i've heard so much about you and think you're so amazing. with the recent events on facebook with your ex, i completely sympathize and beg you not to feel in the wrong

How the fuck have I only just seen this
I have the biggest smile on my face rn ty ty ty ♡♥♡♥♡

I offer myself up as your personal sex toy. features include: complex moving parts, realistic appearance and feeling and toggled emotions. all for the low low price of nothing! warning there is no warranty on this item any injury I.e. spanking or scratches are not the fault of said product.

What the fuck

Sexiest thing a girl can do to you? Im bisexual also.

I dont have a specific thing?
Its like the way they.. Are, that makes them sexy. You just are or arent in my eyes. Depending on behaviour, looks and personality. A good mix of those makes a girl sexy to me.
Liked by: Kathryn Edwards

Would you ever consider going natural? Like, natural hair, no make up. I'm not at all saying this to offend you, I think you look gorgeous. I'm just interested to see how many people who look eccentric on a daily basis would try a natural look one day.

Kathryn Edwards
Hey Kathryn c;
I went to college like this one day
Natural but plucked broww, no make up, hair extensions but with a hat, nout special


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