

Ask @AmyBraham

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Here's an idea anon people, leave Amy alone? Quite frankly her personal life is none of your business and if bringing it up bothers her, how about you all fuck off :) Oh btw Amy your orange-ish wig is fab

thankyou! it's pretty fucking bright, but yeah, it's not really of their concern as apparently the people asking don't even know the situation.. lol
Liked by: Uchiha Madara

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No not that person, I saw that you said a similar thing and I just thought you should know that there are people out there who are willing to do the same for you

awwwweeee you're very sweet, have I spoken to you recently?

Do you think it's okay to let farts out instead of holding them in?

if you're discrete in public it's fine, around people you're comfortable with...have competitions haha!
Idek, it's a natural function for our body and girls shouldn't be made to feel ashamed that they do it because of boys opinions (I still am discrete but personal preference)

I still love you, I don't know what's going to happen in the future yet so how the FUCK does anyone else think they know what I am or am not going to do

Rhys Roberts
Idek but I'm not even getting my hopes up.
I think ive repeated that line to 30 people in the last 24 hours. huff.

I really wish I could take you on just one date, you simply are all a guy could ever want, you've got an incredible personalty and the looks to follow, you really are a perfect one of a kind, and people like you are are so hard to find In this modern day society. You are seriously beautiful :)

you gem, I feel like you don't know me very well at all haha!

Never change for anyone, you really will make someone so happy someday, the way you are is just perfect, never change for anyone or anything! :)

omfg you utter cutie! perhaps, we shall see!:)

Bet u can't tie elbows up behind someone tho x

like behind their back? depends how flexible they are, I don't want to break them

Doubt it mate still here something I know about you is the fact you like having control of someone in the woods where nobody can help them as u have them tied up you like to be in control x

sorry? I don't recall ever doing that however I'm very drunk so idk

I'm scared of my partner because they've told me numerous times that they would be suicidal if I left them and I am really so scared because I'm not sure I'm even attracted to their gender and I'm so confused

YOU AREN'T RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR LIFE. THEY ARE BLACKMAILING YOU EMOTIONALLY AND IT'S VERY VERY VERY WRONG TO DO. IT'S DO UNHEALTHY AND THEY WILL GET OVER IT. AND IF YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT IT THEN CALL SOMEONE. but messaging me doesn't mean you have to leave them k! I can help you, as a friend, with any worries, not even relationship stuff if you don't want x

I use to be but I feel we might have a similar interested if I approached you how would u react x

how I would react would be like "you finally told me Yeyeyey "
Liked by: cody levi williams

Remember the height i'll drop it into a chat next time I see you from there you will solve it x

I really hate this, Im so impatient

I'm quite well known and i'm 5,11 plus guy good luck x

I actually have no idea omfg
I'm so confused there are two people messaging me and idk who is who and I who you are anyway from those hints ;(

You really don't seemed messed up long term... I'm bit exactly a lot of things, but trust me you're not :)

if you knew me well enough you wouldn't stick around, no one does x

Clue 1 i'm someone who you know but not in your friend circle x

that's a really bad clue :( considering I don't even have a friendship circle ;(

I would love you so much and care for you dearly but you are oblivious and think you are unloveable but you're incredible amy I wish I could get to know you but I am scared of my partner

you should never be afraid of your partner. I'm very nervous for your wellbeing now. pls pls pls just message me as a friend don't let me worry about you bc I won't sleep tonight haha

i'll find a way to let you know somehow but i'll put you to the test of tying me up one day x

you need to let me know who you are so I can prevent you going to your exam!!!!!!

One day then I hope Never change for anyone, you really will make someone so happy someday, the way you are is just perfect, never change for anyone or anything! :). You really are such an amazing person. I really do mean it :)

you're ever so sweet but I'm really too messed up for anyone to love me long term.

I'll find a way to drop a clue to who I am think i'll surprise u but think we learn from each other x

I'm really bad with clues and guessing though

I really wish I could date you, you're perfect :)

that's really sweet, but I'm still in love and really sore atm so won't want to date anyone for a long time c;

how about mummification I would but you think different of me if I messaged u on fb but i'm also into bdsm x

Ummm XD just message me :) x


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