

Ask @AmyBraham

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People are just very very silly and need to stop worrying about other people's shit, especially when they don't understand it

yes, keep to your own business and if they don't like my preferences then does it effect them? nope, because it's not them I'm doing it with :')

That's the best thing ever hahaha! If perhaps in bed girls were calling their partner 'biological father' it would perhaps be a little weird, but no, 'daddy' basically means a dominant protecter, someone who will protect you but not allow you to go out of line

exactly and I completely understand it.
if domination is wrong then all pet names should be too by anons logic as they're demeaning. :')
(personally love them too)

Sexual 'abnormalities' are perfectly normal, I have a fuck load and I really couldn't care less because it's not something you can help (just like your sexual orientation). Millions of people have very similar or more extreme sexual preferences, stop making amy feel shitty about who she is:(

thankyou bbyg. their argument reminds me of this..

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I personally think that people who post triggering things on social networking sites (particularly tumblr) are worse than those having private, consenting sex in their own house or anywhere else that doesn't bother others!

exactly, I have a blog like you described but it's password protected so not to trigger anyone! it's to vent and reblog and to reflect on my down days :)

Ahahahaha, what is wrong with this person? How the hell can you compare fucking kids with being dominated? I genuinely laughed out loud at that! Why does Amy's sexual preferences effect you in the least? Unless you're having sex with her of course, which I highly doubt ;)


i'm only against it because as consensual as i'm sure you think it is, it trivialises the experiences of those who have been in abusive relationships/been raped/etc.

I've been raped? I've been abducted and molested too...
still effects me
sometimes I still break down before or/and after normal sex
still like what I like and that's that.
I don't promote it like EVERYONE SHOULD TRY BEING WHIPPED. because I don't like to shove my opinions or beliefs down people's throats. you've given your opinion now leave, because if you haven't noticed....I don't care, my opinion isn't changing.

it's considered unhealthy to cut yourself for non-sexual reasons, so why should the rules change for sexual situations? violence is violence - "consensual" or otherwise - however you dress it up, and your deep-set internalized misogyny just argues otherwise.

I don't get beat up...its nothing like being smacked. and cutting? sorry? what does that have to do with anything!
the only bruises I ended up with have been lovebites. condemning those too?! they're painless.
I just like being thrown and dragged around the room, deep hard thrusts and stuff. hardly violent.
collars and harnesses and toys, no violence....ownership.
I'm not one of those that gets off to pain.
spanking is cool with me though c:
everyone has their own preferences.
guessing you condemn sex before marriage too? self righteous douchebag.

no, it's an industry that promotes the abuse of women and the mass-sexualisation of oppressed races and sexualities, and BDSM normalises abuse within relationships so hell yeah, i'm gonna judge people that like that kind of fucked up shit, just as much as i'm gonna judge people who wanna fuck kids.

fucking kids and having rough CONSENTED SEX is different :')
the porn on my blog isn't industrial, it's from home, girls masturbating, putting up photos of their toys. it's all consented and wanted and voluntary.
I don't watch normal porn because it's all too fake.
I like being dominated in the bedroom, so what? I don't get slapped around in every day life. anyone who does, I'm sure it didn't start through sex anyway.
if I'm doing bdsm stuff then I have safe words and there's a line and a man who can control themselves.
Liked by: OH MY FUCK

i didn't say men could have porn blogs. porn is disgusting. BDSM is horrific. it's genuinely 100% awful and idk, i thought you were better than that ?

thats your personal preference
don't you dare look down on me for my own
and don't judge people for anything, don't expect more from people when you barely know anything about them.
Liked by: Meg

If you had three wishes, what would they be? (no wishing for more wishes or anything like that)

1 mum no longer has mental health
2 financial security for family and friends
3 healthy life with a peaceful/painless death (in sleep or something) for me and mumma
idk ;(

Do you have any friends who have kinda 'out there' interests? Like your lolita or something?

of course I do :)

Do you wish you had bigger boobs or no? Not hating at all, just wondering?

yes and no :)
small boobs run in my family so I'm not really bothered

although i dont get the big deal about tits on tumblr being tumblr you're pretty brave for posting it! nice piercing btw!

haha thanks :')

do you buy/use mostly high end makeup like mac,channel ect or drug store,your makeup always looks so pigminted,also which brands would you recomend?

I use collection 2000 and max factor etc so drug store
I have a few benefit items like my brow stuff
I recommend those ;3
but also illamasqua <3

for someone with depression you sure impress me with getting dressed/washed everyday and doing your makeup. sorry if that sounds crazy haha but as a sufferer myself sometimes its hard to find the energy! Not a bad thing imo. you still have a spark somewhere.

mine usually effects me weeks at a time, lately I've been very lazy with my appearance, there are times I have stayed in bed for two weeks and just slept because I can't physically get out of bed hence not leaving the house and quitting college. but I try so fucking hard to be presentable, and I have a lot of support which gives me motivation :)

oh I know you never said it was, I was just asking you your opinion sorry

you asked if it was really a sin
well whatever you're comfy with
I prefer no socks

yeah apart from them idk, why did you care that is all i was wondering

I already answered your question as to why I care


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