

Ask @AmyBraham

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If you Troy did abuse you, you should have gone to the police not your followers. You're acting as if it's a normal thing, you should set an example for the people who admire you. But instead at least a year after you answer a question jokeingly saying Troy abused you. That's not funny.

Dude I never said it was physical abuse, there was some to an extent, but I answered A LOT at the time of break up, hence why so many people hate him. I didnt go to the police bc tbh, I couldve left the relationship at any time. But my mind was convinced that.. Uh im not thinking about it anymore. Ive come so fucking far to fix myself from the mindset I was in. My mum and a couple frinds know the relationship through and through and mum wants to fucking kill him. I even had threats from him like last year. Im not talking about it for reasons, I had to go to psychiatrists and shit after all that bollocks of 11months and even theyre disgusted, to them, or anyone really, ivnever exaggerated whats happened or made anything up. Ive shown the mails hes sent me even four months ago and they genuinely think hes deluded and needs as much help as I did just bc hes a loon. I do set an example, because im still here after all the times he told me to go kill myself, and if I didnt do it, hed do it for me, I'm not being sexually violated in my sleep anymore.. People have come to me that know what happen and ive helped them. Like seriously helped them. You cant tell me shit on what happened, what I shouldve done or couldve done bc I dont speak about any of it anymore the relationship the after effects etc etc. I AM NOT ANSWERING ANYMORE QUESTIONS ON HIM.

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You're so cute I just wanna cuddle with you and comb your hair and play with it and sit and drink tea and laugh with you and omggggggg

I dont like my real hair being touched, out or seen :)

How many piercers have you been to and who would you say was the best studio you were pierced at

Urrrrr I got my nip at tribal voice and my lip at attica and I dont remember either names of the piercers and well my oiercings are still ok like a year and two years after so I guess I recommend?

I may do, If it helps make this world a slightly better place in regards to respecting mental health and the truth about it. When people show doubt to MI sufferers, they are just piling on more doubt to what the sufferer is already feeling themselves (as that's a way the illness works)


I know! It makes my heart sink when I see a 'fellow' MI sufferer being the one dishing out the doubts to others who are clearly not at their stage of recovery yet. When I finally recover enough to come off govt aid and work again, I will never look down on anyone who is struggling with it still.

Same! Seeing and experiencing mental health is what makes me wanna be a mental health nurse! To help people with day to day life

This is true but with that being said can I have a pet dragon?

David Macaulay
I must teach you the ways of caring for dragons first, then flying lessons, jeez. Theyre a bit responsibility david

I can go on, I have a lot of ranting I could do haha! But I won't spam you any more, just hope some of them do pay attention and actually realise how hurtful it is to start intruding on someone's health and telling them what they can and can't do. Everyone is different, every case is different.

Feel free to send messages like these anytime, you word it better than I hun

Sorry Amy for spamming your ask with mental health truths I just saw the questions you were asked earlier and felt some of the people trawling your ask needed to learn a bit more about the harsh reality of this terrible category of illnesses, that deserve to be taken just as seriously as any other.

Especially supposedly from someone with it xD ignorance knows no bounds it seems

The crap thing with me is I have good and bad days just like anyone else with a bad leg or an illness, some days I'm able to go to town, some days I cannot bring myself to leave my room, let alone the house. People use those outings against me. Mental health doesn't just 'go away' after one good day


People don't seem to understand that if someone has a mental illness, it has the potential to totally mess with someone's head. A confident outgoing person can be turned into a nervous wreck. It literally messes with the way you think, your emotions and even your physical functions like digestion.

^^^^ pay attention

Like kudos for those people who are strong enough to work, but that seriously doesn't mean all of us are at that stage to cope. Some mental health sufferers are unstable and being put in a stressful situation like a job could be the thing that puts them in a psych ward with no real freedoms.

Spot on again. The only way im stable is by being able to do my daily routine at my pace, and music. Everyone who knows me knows im ALWAYS Listening to music, I need ylit to keep a piece of sanity. Haha. Else id be in hospital

Actually sick of people think mental health is just easy to deal with, and every mental health sufferer can just 'have a job' you wouldn't tell someone with a physical impairment on disability benefits to go out and get a job, mental health is no different.

^^^^^^^^^^ this

If you have kids what would you call them? And how many?

Two seems reasonable but I understand one can be more than a handful, just depends how family life goes I suppose! I have no idea for names, I have a list of names that mean something but id discuss it with my partner as must be a mutual agreement. I wasnt named for a while after birth, and to really decide if a name fits my baby id have to meet it before I named it! :)

but this was years ago so i guess it doesnt matter now :(

It does matter if it wasnt consented. Would you be happy mailing me? This obviously still affects you


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