

Ask @AmyBraham

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lol that 'attractive' or 'pretty' is all people can say in your defence. Woah, her saving grace is that her face isn't as fucked as her vag and soul. You must feel really good about that, pat on the back.

:) shut up :) probably prettier than u xo

getting 'some' is an understatement. I could paint the walls of the huge room in hell they've got saved for her with all the cum she's drank.

awks how that cant even be true loooool

It's just one person trying to be funny! Seriously don't let it get to you! Id hate to think that you were offended by some pathetic anon, who obviously can't realize how pathetic they're being:L

it isn't just one person though xD

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what happened at the parade?

no no no, theyre throwing a parade if i kill myself in celebration that i don't walk the earth anymore :)

you can tell you're getting to the thick slag when her come back to everyone wanting her dead is that a few measly people actually don't.

i'm not thick or a slag? you're not getting to me, awkward. that was a bit big headed of you fgt anon

there's seriously not a person on this planet right now that would lift a foot to save your life. everyone actually wants you dead, why do you not get that.

there is a few.

is the dance where you suck off every guy in the room then hide under a van because even your fucked up little evil mind sometimes gets a glimpse of how much filth you are?

no, please tell me, who have i sucked off that you know? bet you cant even list3, fgt

I don't know a single person that isn't able to look down on you. when my friends fuck up, we call it 'doing a braham.'

that's funny, its also a dance x

If your hair actually looked any good, Id say you were a tryhard. Right now, you just look fucking stupid.

i look fantastic.

Crazy - Noun A mentally deranged person. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentally_deranged Mental AND stupid, i feel sorry for anyone that has to call you their daughter. if my daughter had done half the shit youve done, id disown her.

my mum knows about everything and she still loves me, mistakes make us grow and learn and i'm a much better person than a lot of people that fake their way to be liked.

then how come all your 'I have no friends, i really need to make some friends' shit is all over tumblr?

because i never see anyone, but then the amount of people i talk to and how many people do want to see me, and like my company...im reminded i have some fucking awesome friends.

aha, so you ARE crazy? ;) Must run in the family..

stop bringing my mum into things, she has depression, she isn't crazy, i have depression and anger issues - still not crazy

perfect at losing everyone that actually knows you ;)

nah mate, still know a lot of people who love my guts :/

You and troy split up?!? :( you were like the perfect couple!

shut up. y'know, no one likes to hear this when they split with someone they really love and still do?

you cant blame amy for being a crazy cock monster. Its not like shes had any real parenting...

im not a cock monster?
and i fucking have, i dare you to say that to my face.

what you're worth is about £20 of shit off the internet, and you know it. we both know it.

pahahahahahahahahahaha no.

then how have you had so many in your mouth? we used to be friends, you used to tell me all this shit. I KNOW your the plymouth bike, and so do you. if you had any decency at all, you would end yourself.

i am not the Plymouth bike, considering i had a girly chat with friends and i was on the least apart from one person?
ooooh going to kill myself because of an anon am i? no.

People are really gross and lame and need to learn when business doesn't concern them, please don't listen to them, sweetheart, you're worth more than this! xx

Liked by: Antonia


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