

Ask @AmyBraham

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bit mean against adalia?

I don't mean it in a nasty way, I know she has a condition and it can't be helped. But she actually gave me nightmares lie last year, I find her terrifying. it's nothing personal, she handles things well considering...

hey i know you really well and i hav lost your number so i will say this here - id just like to remind you not to pay attention to the people that thinks its cool to abuse you under anonymity - youre an awesome person all round, dont let the keyboard warriors get ya down

omg who are you o.o facebook me pls?!
I try not to! Depends what they say I suppose!
thankyou so much <3

But I mean how do you make it look like that?<3

um, I was going to do another/BETTER tutorial but i'm not entirely sure on what look people actually want me to do as it changes all the time. Maybe you could help? <3

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How do you get so perfect? iskekskd Please tell me.

omg, my secret is ...make up.
that's it.

You look really really ugly. Sorry. Don't try to bitch to me in answer or be a dumbass it's just sad and pathetic.

what o.o 'bitch to you in an answer' or 'be a dumbass' - how can I be a dumbass in a reply to an opinion. Dude, you're allowed your opinion but ngl, people have more positive opinions on my looks than negative, and due to being anon, I couldn't care less for your judgement ;D

Im sorry but you really irritate me and the whole of the plymouthian population.

I rarely leave the house or talk to people, I rarely post on Facebook. I'm quite clueless, if being myself is irritating then I apologize but I won't change who I am or how I dress to suit ANYONE.

Get back to reality and stop living your fucked up imaginary life. Oh and treat people with respect.

If I lived an imaginary life, I wouldn't understand the poverty, prejudice and crime that goes on, I'd believe everyone is sweet and kind, but in fact it is people like you that keep me rooted to this crappy world.


Language: English