

Ask @AmyBraham

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When will you be on cam next? Some fans are waiting for ages to see you!

Awww xD im not sure Tbh! Maybe tomorrow, no promises!

Beautiful, clever girl with a personality, figure and dress sense to die for <3

Awww ty kind anon ♡♡♡♡♡

Fair enough. Do you still hate each other?

Levi? I don't hate him, havent seen him in like a year or two

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That face you pulled because you're a 'goon' looks like one of the faces a certain ex of yours pulls all the time and has done since forever. Cute.

Levi? Well I like dont pull this face often hahaha, it was just a random angle tbh! I do many ugly faces haha

Ive always been nervous of talking to you. You're beautiful and goregous. Be great to talk more. I realise this isn't a question. So how about this. Why are you so perfect?

I spend most of my time pulling a stupid face bc im a goon (see below) . Dont be nervous to talk to me haha

are you one of those girls who chase the hotties or do you just like to talk to people and find out about them first??

Both I guess

why do you think it matters if your potential partners have slept with many people?

Some girls (ive asked a fair few) are paranoid that guys compare them to past sexual encounters, I am one. Idk, the more there are the more you have to be better? I have no idea. Im just kind of funny with it if someone says "I stopped counting at 40" at 18 and theyre over 20 now.

Do you think it matters if someone has slept with a lot of people female or male?

Yes and no, its their own right to do as they wish, couldnt give a damn how many people my friends have slept with, but potential partners and whatnot is a whole other thing

Considering i'm friends with barney i can testify that you and him would be great hope it works out

Aw thanks! Yeah we seem to get on pretty well.

Were you jealous of Rhys female friends?

A couple yeah! Hes friends with some very beautiful girls, and I did get quite paranoid due to them being attractive and he had a past with a few of them…so I was scared hed cheat on me, I mean he cheated with me after all.
Liked by: Kealeigh Scott

This is so random sorry was wondering if you could help.. My doctor put me in for counselling but offered medication as well - I said no and now I want to change my mind - is that stupid?

No, if you think you cant get well from therapy or whatever alone then go back and ask for medication x

Why don't you find yourself a decent guy?

I have a lot of nice guy friends, im just not attracted to them romantically.
Im a bit awkward, I can be attracted to someone as a friend, personality wise, then romantically then aesthetically. Rare to find all three together. CRUSHING ON SOMEONE THO
Liked by: Pandurr.

you brag about drug use and getting money for reveling yourself to creepy old men on cam, you're falling back into the arms of the cunts that have only fucked you around before. I always thought you'd do something with your life after Rhys left you, like these blind people I though you were special

Im not bragging about drug use, just being honest, at first I was getting high to forget stuff, be in my own little world, but now its back to a social thing. And I'm barely revealing myself more than what you would see on my tumblr, and quite a lot of the guys are under 30. What cunts? I am doing something with my life, im on a course, I have a placement for college in september aaaand getting help for my mental health, which Rhys said I was too stupid to do. Im also seeing my friends and making new ones.
Liked by: Kathryn Edwards


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