

Ask @AmyBraham

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I know its not all about likes but you must see how pretty you are with all these likes on your photos and all these wonderful comments about you:-) I know its hard to see what other people see but you're beautiful.. Yes we all get some horrible comments but their just low lifes darling xxx

king julian
idk, I know a fair few butt-ugly people with like 10k on theirs xD ooh.
thankyou so much sweetie, but you know, sometimes even with some really lovely people complimenting you, your opinion on yourself is quite stubborn..xxx
Liked by: king julian

BUTT YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY WORDS CANT BRING YOU DOWN, OH NO <3 but seriously stfu;) you're gorgeous:3 silly!

king julian
d'awww Gem, you beaut! ty so much but nao :P<3 <3
Liked by: king julian

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are you happy with how you look?

in all honesty, no. I've sat here for like ten minutes trying to think of something I like, but I would pretty much do anything to look like someone else, especially recently. I try not to let it bother me and deal with it by doing random stuff to my hair/wigs/make-up I guess.
Liked by: Lucinda

Beth isn't a good friend in anyway for slagging you off so quickly and being so horrible. You deserve a better friend than her, everyone has their problems and needs to help each other out! She obviously understand that.

I didn't know she's been slagging me off, and to be honest I don't mind either. Constantly slagging people off is really immature and for someone like her that has had to grow up too quickly..she should know better. But she has bad influences around her, and I know what she's really like; a good person and a cherished friend.

You've lost all your decent friends twat you appreciate nothing

no I haven't? the only proper decent friend I had which I've lost was Beth.

Indeed it does x3 I'm weird but not compared to half of the people I've seen round town... You might find that out when we meet cx <3

Eleanor Sanders
I expect so! but you'll probably discover that I am an odd-ball :P <3

Yup it's ideal, don't know why they would xD But there are some odd people in Plymouth who probably would o.O <3

Eleanor Sanders
yeaaaahhhh, Plymouth does have a fair few weirdos :P <3

[giggles] She called me dear. [clears throat] Sorry. I was just wondering...would you like to hang out sometime? =)

Here to Help
everyone is a dear in my kingdom :D
possibly! message me on facebook about it?

I suppose I've had it for almost 2 years now and i have an unbelievable amount of scars inside my mouth because of it -.- <3

Eleanor Sanders
ooh ouuccchiiee! good thing no one really looks on the inside of your mouth then ;D <3

~Floats around~ むかいすずさん!(Mukai Suzu) from Kyokai Senjyo No Horizon (Horizon on the Middle of Knowhere), she's so cute and moe! ~Apperates away~

she is really cute, thankyou so much for your help!

I'm alright thanks, been to the orthodontist today and my mouth aches a bit :/ missed out on sports day though ^_^ <3

Eleanor Sanders
oh that's good, I never did sports day anyway :P oo, what did you have done? <3

you're full of crap. you're so tacky it's unbelievable. if people on the internet knew what you are like in real life you'd get 0% positive attention. Even your precious troy knows how psychotic you are

well, people on the internet have met me, and know me very well and they still think i'm fantastic ;D
Liked by: king julian

Do you think it's gross if you don't shower daily? :l I mean I don't think that's a bad thing since your hair can lose its shininess and fall out if you wash it daily, and your skin can get pretty dry, it's also a waste of water :P

not at all, I used to have one every day, sometimes I still do, it depends on my hair really, I wash everyday and do my hair like every two days but I know people that's hair doesn't get greasy for like a week (but I think it's a little odd not to shower at all for that long, personally)
Liked by: king julian


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