

Ask @AmyBraham

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You probably don't even care what I think but you are incredibly beautiful, you shouldn't listen to anyone else that tries and put you down. They are just jealous, worthless cunt if you ask me. You are soo much better then them people that act tough behind anon. I hope you're okay beautiful<3

You're right ^_^ thankyou so much. This really helped <3
Liked by: Isha


Troy Funk
things may be really difficult right now for you but never give up, you are so strong and intelligent you can battle through anything..especially with your good looks. you've changed my life, made such a great impact and helped me through a lot in these last few months. I wish things were different but you need to go back to being how you were happy with yourself, and ill support you. my opinion of you will never be negative, you've done too much good.

Asking everyone who I follow so I guess you now know I follow you;D opinion pls!

Kealeigh Louise Scott
you're such a sweet girl, you can be down to earth but I think you're pretty misunderstood, you've never done wrong to me so my opinion is very positive n_n xo

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Are you okay hun? Keep your chin up, rock bottom can be the best way to start working your way back up.<3

i'll be fine :)
thankyou so much, I really hope so <3

Those people are clearly jealous or have terrible taste in women, you're genuinely the most perfect looking girl I've ever seen. So fuck them and smile, you deserve it beautiful. X

you are so sweet, this actually made me smile, thankyou so much x

Ignore the pathetic anons, I'm friends with you on Facebook and although I've never seen you in person, I'm sure you still look just as incredible! If not even more perfect! c:

thankyou so much <3 the pictures I put on here from my webcam are practically how I look in person so idek xD xxx

no not in anyway did i mean that to be gross like i wasn't literally meaning it figure of speech

okay, still, not just to me does it come across very bad..

troy is actually so luck i would chew my left arm just to have one night with you

that's quite gross actually, no offense but if you get into any girls knickers with stuff like that then woah...stupid girls
Liked by: Denali

id do that and remained bowed down to either be used as a table or footrest :'))

oo possibly a table as then you could massage my feet ;D i'm kidding, people going near my feet freaks me the fuck out

you look so good on facebook but in real life you look like shit

I got this message the other day, exactly the same. and I know, it's funny huh? funny how I don't use photoshop or any editor to change what I look like, I'm just photogenic, but at least i'll look better than you anon, you cowardly piece of shit. YOU CAN NOT BRING ME DOWN ANY FURTHER. TONIGHT I'M AT ROCK BOTTOM SO GOOD LUCK.
Liked by: Denali

How often do you change your hairstyle?

when it bored me, I cut it or dye it. it'll change a lot more now it's summer and that :D

Your black hair, pale skin and coraly pink lips in your photo from that party you went to remind me of Ariel’s sister Alana, and your long black hair, side swept bangs, face shape and eyes remind me of the mermaid with black hair in Peter Pan!

asdfghjjkkl IM A PRINCESS MERMAID. omg thankyou so much <3

Im so envious of you. I mean you can pull of the lolita and rococo look and can go out in public with it all on! You are so cute aswell, i wish i had the courage you have, i would love to wear my wigs and lolita and not feel like scared :( xx

awh if you lived here id go out with you and have a loli-day with picnics and walks and photos ^_^ how lovely would that be? Seriously, id advise not getting a bus but walking is helpful, with headphones so you can block people out! Its a really beautiful fashion and you should show it off! If more people wore it then it would become more accepted ^_^ xxxxx

Fair enough. I feel like all girls are serious threats, I feel too low in myself think I'm good enough. I feel like every other girl is better for him. I trust him honestly.. but it hurts so much.

honestly, if he wanted any other girl or thought they were better...he wouldn't be with you. Hold on to him with pride, don't worry <3

do you like Mrs Rafiq as a maths teacher? i've got her for maths <3

she's a laugh and a lovely woman but I can't learn from her methods <3
Liked by: Isha

I wasn't talking literally about you.. That's the issue I'm having but I'm wondering if I should break up with my boyfriend until I over-come this problem or if I should stay with him and.. Suffer, I guess?

Oh, im really tired so I read it all wrong then xD do you feel like they're a serious threat? Have you spoken to him about it if that's so? You just need to have trust, if you trust him you'll learn with him.


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