

Ask @AmyBraham

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I have been to dhs, hence why I know Dr Little's a weedhead. :L best teacher is Mr Tombs. 100%.

Oh I didn't realise you were the same anon, I think that's funny as she's against drugs, she's a wonderful person and teacher, we'll hopefully stay in contact once I've left, several teachers have given me their home email so we can stay in touch. Never had him but he's an odd character, most people I know say they cannot learn from him >_<

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I think you're more polite on here than you are on Facebook which is why I haven't spoken to you on there. You dont have time for people anyway, what with all the 'popularity' and shit. But now you're going to college and I assure you their teaching will be worse than it is at a grammar school,

I am polite on Facebook, maybe not through statuses but on chat I am ^_^ im not "popular" in fact no one ever talks to me on Facebook :P and obviously you haven't been to my school, but I know two of my lecturers and no one has ever failed their classes and their methods are what I prefer to be taught by, hence why im not staying where I am

would you make an album/post a pic where you show all your wigs? :O must be really interesting xx

I would but they're all in storage rn as we're moving house ^_^

Infact I was possibly the worst student they ever had but I was clever so they kept me. Go me. Shows what you can do if you actually try don't you think? and what the fuck is a HH?

I see I must have you on Facebook! Please remove me, you're an annoyance if you'll 'chat' on here but not there. HH = honesty hour. I'm not the worst student, but im not naturally clever which is why I need their "skills" bit they deliver so poorly, hence why I wanted to leave since year 8. Thank fuck I get to now

Maybe if people actually listened to the teachers they may actually learn something. Dr Little is the best teacher? are you joking? She acts like she's high on weed the whole time. I was never up the schools ass when I was there, I rebelled against it and all the teachers hated me but i listened!

Well if half the teachers didn't insist on talk about their private lives for half the lesson (kewish, salak, rafiq, etc) then maybe id have a reason to listen, I shouldn't have to go home and teach myself the half of the lesson they didn't.
Liked by: Isha

What did you search? I'm on eBay now and they're all normal wigs no cute pretty ones? x

um, 'pink frizzy wig' idk I bought it like two months ago x

It looks SO crowded though! I guess it's not as bad as KFC :') I'm starting to slowly stop going into that place, trying to cut down on junk ;_; If I don't, There's no way I'll be allowed to have braces XD I'm tempted to try and negotiate with Costa or something to like, clean or something :')

Jasmine Rayne
I know, eh I prefer Mcdonald's food anyway.
I rarely go in there, and when I do I usually don't eat :3
ahaha true, Costa are good, I have heard they're taking on?

Your skin always looks so flawless, what foundation/cover up do you use? :)

collection 2000 long lasting perfection in shade 3, but tbf I rarely get spots n_n

I've been looking but all the decent ones are either 18's and over or... mcdonalds >< I don't wanna work in a fast food place else I'd end up fat XD I'd go from size 6 to size 18 in a week :') (Well, maybe not, but still... It would be horrid)

Jasmine Rayne
hey hey hey! i'm dead chuffed I just got my interview at McDonald's, a job is a job at the end of the day and I think working with that food everyday will put me off for life.

See, the only thing that looks kinda cheap is the skirt bit- it's a bit shiny but meh ^_^ When I earn money, I won't be so fussy on the cost ^_^'' Have you seen the wig I'm getting? I tagged you on Facebook ;3

Jasmine Rayne
me neither, hopefully have a job so I haven't started buying materials in case I can just afford a decent one :P
yes! its really nice n_n

:I I would, but I'm crap at doing that XD There's on eBay for 12-ish pounds and a wig for 8 :3 CAN'T WAIT :D

Jasmine Rayne
see I wouldn't trust the quality of that, the best one ive seen is for about £60, but id be happy spending 100 as long as it doesn't look cheap n_n

May I ask where you got your wig from? It's so pretty and I can't find a good wig shop anywhere x

ebay! x

Same anon that wants to be your sister: what hmu? I feel so silly ^^ ps. I think you'd be the perfect sister!x

hit me up! (talk to me). I've always wanted a sister! Bit late now though I guess :P pls talk to me on faceyb darlin' <3

Favourite hero and favourite villain?

Okay so my favourite heroes will always be out of the Disney lot.
From the more recent films it has to be Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider and I can’t even say why, because my brain cant make sense of my fangirly love for him.
but from the older ones Quasimodo. I think he’s such a sweetheart and he’s so protecting, he defines what a hero means to me.. He fights for what is right, and that’s what a hero should do.
villains - Maleficent or Cruella. Need I say more?


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