

Ask @AmyBraham

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If you could relive any movie as real life for a day, what would it be and why?

oh wow, i'd say Memoirs of a Geisha, but obviously the days when she is an upcoming famous Geisha, as she is a very successful and beautiful woman. i'd like a taste of that :D

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Where would you like to live for the rest of your life?

Milan, Tokyo, Western Australia or Queensland

Favorite Harry Potter moment?

the moment when Dumbledore is telling harry to go back and fight but I do wonder what his parents would have said if they were trying to tell him to as well D:

If you only had enough time left to say one thing to one person, who would you choose and what would you say?

oh fuck. I cant decide. it'd either be my mum with 'please don't leave because I do.' or just 'I love you' to troy.

Why do you beg for questions on here from Facebook. Like literally your life revolves around this site. Is your life that boring and meaningless that you have to constantly seek attention- hate or love- on here. Quite sad rly

I get bored, and this is where people are actually honest with me, people talk to me more on here than they do on facebook.
my life doesn't revolve around this site, if any site then it'd be tumblr.
my life isn't boring and meaningless, ive been bored due to revision and exams and I find this entertaining, like your 'question', it was the same old, so thanks!

That was me, i forgot to come off anon. ((the one that said you're so so beautiful, etc))

dawh hello there prettyful n_n
Liked by: bee

You are so so beautiful! I admire you a lot. Your answers make me laugh too hah:')

really? but i'm not funny :P
but thankyou so much, i'm sure you're beautiful too <3

Any guy thats get to spend time with you is the luckiest guy n the world js ......

yeah? I think a few people would disagree with you there, but ty n_n

Cannot stand seeing people slagging you off, you're an absolutely lovely person and I just want to be your best friend or your sister I don't, I can't you're just so sweet!x

omg be my sister pls o.o hmu on facebook yes? yes. omg you're so lovely please talk to me 0.0 x

please don't become venus angelic shes yucky!

I don't want to -become- her, I just admire her! she's a very strong girl n_n

Oh my gosh, you are so beautiful and your Lolita outfit *_* you're my ultimate inspo but I couldn't pull it off >.< xxx

you actually could! oh wow i'm someone's Loli-inspo? asdfghjkl I don't even know what to say, wowow, Arigatō :D xxx

You haven't don't worry, i understand you've been busy and stuff recently, and i'd love to ^_^ better start boosting up on my confidence <3

Eleanor Sanders
yes! I shall help you n_n <3


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