

Ask @AmyBraham

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I miss talking to you. I hope you're okay and yeah I still stand by what I said when I told you that I'd love to look like you because you're truly beautiful x

Eleanor Sanders
thankyou Eleanor <3
i'm sorry I haven't been a good friend recently :( we'll have to meet up and have a catch up over tea n_n x

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I 100% agree about the teachers! Berriman like never turns up!

Thank god! Its only when you're not up the school's ass do you realise how bad it is ^_^

Wearing a fucking lolita outfit doesn't require bravery. Bravery is a trait seen in soldiers, not fucking vain arrogant self obsessed girls who look fucking ridiculous to try and gain as much attention as possible. Don't even try to claim that you're 'brave' little girl.

considering how judgemental people in Plymouth are it takes that little bit of courage to leave the house, and then I was fine. I would never compare that tiny inch of courage I had to what soldiers have, as I have never experienced that, I respect soldiers for what they do.
Liked by: Kitty Anne

So if you're pansexual you could be attracted to chicks with dicks?

yes, basically I don't care for their gender as i'm not interested in their genitals, I would love them for who they are n_n
but I have a lovely lovely boyfriend n_n

I'm older than you by like a year or so but I think you're really really mature and honestly you inspire me a little! I love you, you're gorgeous

thankyou so much, I can be mature but most of the time I'm not n_n I love you! stay pretty xo

Saw you wearing Lolita, wanted to ask what the suppliers of your dress were so bad

the dress is from Angelic Pretty, shoes and blouse are Bodyline :)

Saw you in town wearing Lolita, you honestly looked amazing and it takes sonmuch courage to gonoutbwearing something other than shorts and sneakers these days, respect x

thankyou dear, you should try it sometime n_n x

i dont know you unfortunately, but i don't understand why you're getting hate or whatever. you are one of the most naturally pretty girls i have ever seen in my entire life, you're beautiful. ily xx

unfortunately? there's plenty of time to if you wish n_n
thankyou so much, aw ily2 xx

i find you such an inspiration, i worry way too much what people think and you went out dressed the way you wanted to and i find that amazing xx

I worried what people thought and then I realised it's my own opinion on how I dress that matters, so I'd suggest doing that! I listen to music to block others out if I can tell they'll make comments :D xx

do you do VRs?

i'm guessing a vr is a video response? but no I don't, I have an awful voice :P but id do picture replies :P

Aw I think you're so sweet, tbh you used to really annoy me ( I dont know you) so I want to apologize for that. I was ignorant and tbh, jealous. You're gorgeous and your boyfriend is lucky because you're such a sweet girl. Im really sorry for disliking you earlier before even knowing you, you deserv

I don't know the rest of that due to characted limit, but honestly it's okay, I don't think you should judge someone on others opinions or what they look like so thank you for changing your mind, that's very mature :D x

What foundation, concealer, bronzer/blushers, mascara do you use??x

I use collection 2000 long lasting perfection in shade 3, collection 2000 concealer, a MAC bronzer and I don't own blush, I use natural collection mascara xx

how did you meet your boyfriend? how long did it take for you two to get together? <3

we met through a friend in town and about a couple of weeks I think n_n <3

I have always wanted lolita clothes and wigs but can never afford it :(

I get things from bodyline as well as brand, its very cheap on comparison and looks just as good! But yes, all in all it is still expensive and requires me to save for months for a complete outfit! That's why you have to be dedicated!

I'd LOVE to twin with you but I don't live anywhere near and I'd feel so insecure, you're beautiful!

We should twin and go to a meet up that's equal distance for us ^_^


thankyou! It was a very natural day for make up ^_^ is this shona or Chelsea by any chance as I saw you two go for yours as well ^_^


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