

Ask @AmyBraham

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someone annoys you and you wanna get even do you chuck a bucket water over them? Duct tape them completely to a tree. Or hack there facebook? Or do all three :)

all three

you proposing to try is about as romantic is me finger banging a 14 year old paraplegic

I know, I didn't try to do it romanticly

I know you and Troy are Engaged, (congratulations btw.) but you do think you'll actually get married? in the for see able future?

I've answered this like 8 times. In a few years to come. Like 5+

a have you on facebook and we have spoke once am sorry to hear about your mother hope you are all ok and for the people that give abuse on this ad like to say fuck every single one of you :) x

Thankyou :')

I don't really know you but I have you on facebook and I see you a lot in town but I hope that your mum gets better soon even though I don't know her and I hope you are ok too, you are being really brave and strong too :) x

Thank you so much dear, she's on the mend!:D X

whats ur usual diet for a typical day, how many calories do u eat?

Recently I've eaten a lot of shit on a daily basis so its about 1500-1800 cals, whereas it was previously 600-900 calories.

He can't be that good in bed then

Or maybe I get sore? Or I get a period? Or we aren't in the mood? Or we've had it numerous times in one day or haven't seen each other etc etc.


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