

Ask @AmyBraham

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compared to you i feel like one ;o!! but thank you amy awh you're so lovely

i find you so aesthetically pleasing though ;x

didn't want to come off anon but hi, i feel like a potato compared to you now omg :'c

You're not a potato you're so beautiful omfg

this is a weird question but in the recent picture you uploaded of your really pretty eye make up, i noticed you have a pretty colour on your lips (told you this was weird c:), i was just wondering, do you use like, a specific brand of lipgloss/lipstick and what's the shade/colour please? c:

That's my natural lip colour with foundation blended in the corners/outline with a sheer lip balm (make has rubbed off but it's clear with a litter shimmer) over it c;

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Well I only thought to say thus because had it been me, I would have corrected the person, but I understand that if you've not been affected by it then you won't be as concerned. I know you would never sag it to me and again, I know you're not racist. So no issue here really, I just hate the word!

I don't like it being used as an insult at all, I don't think the colour of your skin should make you less of a person, treated differently, or have it used as an insult.
Liked by: Here to Help

(cont…) As I said, I know you're not racist, but using that word on a social network where you have a fairly large amount of followers isn't great really, would it not be better to just keep it to friends who accept you saying it and know it's a joke rather than putting it publicly?? :):)

But I wasn't saying it?? I said that I've called friends it, again not offensively as they call themselves it but the whole me being racist has spurred from me not correcting someone??
Liked by: Velouria Duquette

Before I start, I know that you are not racist and that you accept everyone, but would you mind if I told you that I find the word ‘nigger’ really, really offensive? Only because of personal experiences though and a lot of people use it as a jokey term but to me it really isn't at all! (tbc)

That's fine I completely understand! I hope you know I'd never call you by it but don't find it my responsibility to correct them, I'm sorry for any offence caused

how my would I approach my girl about the idea of anal?

Just ask her opinion of it, if she'd be open to doing it with the right prep, if you don't know what that is then look it up c;

um you're frickin tiny >_< what are these anons on about?

I don't think I'm tiny or slim but I don't think I'm overly fat, idk it depends if I'm having a good body day or not.

Wow ill just leave you with that, your ignorance, racism and stupidity is too much to bare. I don't know how people like you can ever expect anyone to accept you for 'who you are' when you're so narrow minded yourself.

I'M NOT RACIST AND I ACCEPT EVERYONE FOR WHO THEY ARE WHEN DID I SAY DIFFERENT FROM THAT. Jesus fuck. And I'm accepted by everyone that matters haha even managers for jobs so stfu. I'm not even narrow minded, I'm open to everything. Your stupidity annoys me. Leave.

you're just being polite ;) or have body dysmorphia like me :(

My ex and a therapist told me I had BDD but I don't think so haha, I'm just quite cruel to myself. And it doesn't help being called fat as I was growing up, still get the comments "you're too fat, rhys will leave you for someone skinnier" "lose weight you fat fuck" and whatnot, stuff like that I've been choosing not to answer recently

You know that you're skinny yet reply 'yes I have thunder thighs'. Bit insensitive

I don't know that I'm skinny, I don't think I am, I think I have thunder thighs, I've always had a problem with my appearance especially my body as that's not something I can cover with make up.

You'll you ever shag a nigger or a paki

I've never found one attractive, not because I'm racist or anything Btw, I just haven't seen one. Maybe hopsin with his white contacts though lololol

You are stupidly beautiful omfg, I didn't know you was my age and lived in Plymouth haha. V

Yeah haha, I'd say Plymouth born and raised but I was born in Cornwall.. Close enough right??

you're fucking gorgeous may I just say. I saw you around at expo and I was so tempted to talk to you but you seemed occupied :c I'd love to talk some day ^^

At animanga? Because I wasn't at mcm, animanga is the only expo kind of thing I've been to c: but you should totally talk to me!

You're not fat, if anything I admire your confidence to post that photo, I admire your confidence for a lot if things you do! Surely you struggle with self confidence issues but it is truly astounding that you still do it! Inspirational x

Awuh<3 yeah I fucking hate the way I look, especially with my scars haha I think I look pretty fat but everyone has been really nice so I'm really grateful C:

Well if you go into mental health I know you'll be absolutely wonderful for sure! You're going to help so many people I know it <3 this is going to sound so hippy but I consider myself an empath and the few times I've seen you, you exude the most wonderful aura x

Oh why thank you! Most people presume I'm stuck up or a bitch and whatnot from looking at me and this apparent "popularity " on social networks (which I don't think exists in the slightest) without ever talking to me! I'm here for people as much as I can be and I want to dedicate my life to it, surely if I was so self absorbed I'd want to do it for the money, but the shifts are hard, you become attached to patients, the whole job takes a tole on you mentally and physically, if I was so self absorbed, why would I want to take that job...and lie about my reasons?

Srsly these anons still exist? Just because YOU (anon) are beyond help doesn't mean Amy hasn't helped others. She helped me that's for damn sure - just with a few words she's helped me become less scared of showing my scars. They aren't who I am. x

This this this <3 I've never expected anything from helping someone, heck, half of the people I've been there for I had never spoken to before or ever spoken to again! I don't expect gratitude or recognition, I just want to try and help make people's lives that little bit easier to cope with!


Language: English