

Ask @AmyBraham

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if you could take responsibility for what you've done differently? thats what im trying to say, if YOU didnt do it in the FIRST place then you wouldnt need to apologise! and i'd do a little more than just stay out of way, shes fuming! could have just said no though, obviously have no respect!!

At the end of the day I'm not the first person to make this mistake, I thought we were better than that. oh Well.

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You make me happy and id do anything for you i even told a girl i liked to fuck of due to what they said about you, who am i?

i dont know :(((((((((((( give me another hint

why do you keep revealing your tumblr url everywhere. people will abuse and exploit that beautiful place on the internet and make it dull and mainstream

i havent advertised my tumblr in a while.

you keep saying your taking responsibility for what you've done but even though you knew he had a girlfriend you still slept with him! if you had some respect for yourself you would have said no to mike and walked away. go and ruin your own life not other peoples

um, i am taking responsibility for what i've DONE. key word is DONE. past tense, if i could take responsibility in another way by stopping what i did then i would.
how am i supposed to take responsibilty now apart from apologise and stay out of her way?

I just realised someone asked you what you thought of me, creepy ._. your answer was super cute though thankies ^.^ x

Abi Wills
awh yeah it was odd :S
but eheh, oh well!

Haaaa the guy/ girl who wrote that paragraph what a twat, they dont realise that even though you have had few slip ups i wreckon if you knew who they were you would realise that they are soooo much worse, everybody love you amy especially me xxxx

AWh Ty <333

You tried to ruin someone else's relationship just because yours didn't work, nice one

Excuse me? I was going to get back with Levi xD

what do you want to change your name to? and why? your name is nice:-)

probably one of my middle names as my surname :)


Language: English