

Ask @AmyBraham

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Are you going to the Bring on The Smiles thing at white rabbit tomorrow?

probably not
I don't really have any money or any friends to go with and yeah :(
when I get a spare £5 or whatever I'll give it straight to a charity c:

without makeup wigs and contacts and a shave head, no eyebrows, would you consider yourself a natural beauty or do you just look like a potato?

most definitely a potato, worse actually

Where do you get your make up from and what brands do you use?

bc this was sent twice I'll reanswer it with links later but
I need to make an FAQ
benefit porefessional primer thing
collection 2000 - foundation and powder
benefit eyebrow kit
collection 2000/max factor eyeliner (I vary between them)
ysl mascara
and eyelashes from eBay c:

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lol it's okay, not sure why they were shouting to you about tea and calling you Raghu like :P

me neither, people are weird

I believe your anon was speaking Hindi. What they said was "tea tea, raghu, my brother." not sure why they said that lol. but there you have it!

thanks for telling me!

"she didn't even want to shag him" we wouldn't of had sex if she didn't want to "shag" me, geez I'm not a monster

Rhys Roberts
considering how anti rape you are..yeah you're definitely a rapist!!! pfft. please.

No I just mean that I heard he slept with this girl at my school and then never spoke to her again,and she got really despressed because she didn't even want to shag him

don't listen to rumours. you "heard" this stuff but was it confirmed by both? cos he's no rapist and he'd not force anyone to do anything. he's like a gentle little butterfly

Does it bother you that Rhys has slept with 15 year olds and taken their virginity without their consent,and then just left them and never spoke again,so used them for sex basically

I'm pretty sure he hasn't raped people :) and tbh a lot of people have sex underage
and he's gorgeous so who wouldn't want go sleep with him lols
Liked by: Rhys Roberts

omg I'm in love with them! Melissa is perfection! although I agree about the drugs, and they drink too much.. I'd prefer them to not do it as much but hey , whatever makes them happy!

eh we'll never agree~ unless I go back to being 13-14 with awful music taste :')

but they're like perfect now though;o and very sweet irl

they're druggies man and whiney whores. their music is awful

I ask cause I'm super new to tumblr, so idek what types of stuff I wanna see Hahaha! what's yours? I'll pm you and ask for your other ones as well :P

http://ainiueru.tumblr.com and minaulty are ones I don't mind being published on here but I follow a range from nature to self harm to Lolita to pale to Gore to sex hahaha! x
Liked by: Velouria Duquette

Me and my girlfriend want to try anal would your experiance lead to you telling people to try it or not was it nice or too sore

I didn't enjoy it at all but that doesn't mean she won't
I know girls who prefer it to vaginal sex
so just get proper anal lube and it'll be alright because that's what makes butt plugs easier to handle heh

How long does it take to do your makeup?xo

depends what make up I'm doing like today it took me ten minutes but if I'm trying something really adventurous and am enjoying doing it I'll take my time and boom...an hour is gone


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