

Ask @AmyBraham

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Just wanted to see what your painted toes looked like so i can get ideas

I don't have my toenails painted~

Why feet are nice

I don't support foot fetishes so I'd rather not contribute as it makes me uncomfortable

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Where do you get all your wigs from? They're amazing.. Been trying to look for a long blonde like rapunzel from tangled but not as cartoony but no luck p.s. Your beautiful ❤️

you can get 150cm wigs from ebay, literally just type that in and there will be blonde ones for sure. I get mine from eBay c:

no, I know its you, you just look so very different:') its not a bad thing, will have to see you soon:')

yeah man! just a good photo haha! x

oh wow Amy, I barely recognised you in your do ;o x

why do people think it doesn't look like me omfg
I guess I'm just great at make up x

this is a really silly random question, but do you ever like to step on bugs or ants? i love stepping on bugs :D but all my friends always tell me im the ONLY girl in the world who does :(

I don't leave the house enough to notice many bugs~

would you ever talk to unpopular people or is that beneath u

I talk to "unpopular" people all the time because I'm not "popular"


Language: English