

Ask @AmyBraham

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Opinion on this shanice kid?

i've met her once but we had a really good like 15 minutes of it stalking some lad with bex, she's such a pretty little thing with, what i can tell, low confidence, she's so lovely i'm pretty excited to get to know her better, she seems like a really amazing chick

Name a few hot guys you have on your facebook who you dont talk to?

who i dont talk to?
oh hot damn
i can only think of people i do talk to ;c

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opinion on kee scott?

Kea has had her issues in the past but she is a star, she's such a genuine friend and although i dont agree with some views she has on life...it's her decision to do that and im not one to judge :)

Opinion on kyra marshall

i dont know her tbh :/ she's pretty! seems nice, i think we've spoken a couple of times but not enough to write anything worth reading :/

Maybe you can, I'll mail you who this is tomorrow, but thank you very much xxx

Please do! it'd be wonderful to know who you are xxx

any time :3 and indeed i did c: i've been doing this thing recently (pls don't judge me) where i'm basically adding anyone who i think is pretty/attractive/etc :'3 ~The Girl On Fire is from the Hunger Games ^-^

tbh i do the same! well, i dont really accept people i dont find attractive or interesting! so i find that a compliment from you! Yes i realised! x
Liked by: Danni

"Fake whore" Me and my little sister love lolita and I have shown her pictures of you and told her all about you and the abuse you get for wearing your co-ords out and she made you a xmas present that she hoped would make you smile because she told me that no-one should ever be bullied. she is seven

Oh my goodness, i would love to meet her! i'd give her the biggest hug and probably have a little cry over how moving that is! she's having a very good upbringing i see, thank your parents for me, on how you both turned out!

I tend not to judge on image too much, you have a poor self image of yourself be the way you want to be and look the way you want to look.. there's nothing cooler or more stunning than that

0.0 im not really sure what you're trying to say by this, i may be too tired

yeah but at the end of the day, you're still white and it's embarrassing to see you try and shove your way into a culture where you have no place :L such a typical white person, ngl

i'm still white yes, but far back in my family tree i discovered recently that i do have asian blood, just how people with more ginger in their beards are more direct to the Vikings...
i'm not shoving my way into it, i'm taking gradual steps...just because i enjoy learning about it doesnt mean i wouldve liked to be a part of it? i just like to know where the fashion style i wear has derived from

If you scroll back about 10 profile pictures, you without make up!! Does not genuinely look like you!

yup, i look horrendous, i apologise.

Im serious, I love you. I think about you night and day, you are just so pretty, I cant even

oh my, um, who are you? message me on facebook, need to talk to you!

Wait, what? Thats not what I meant at all! I meant you are brave to show off your individuality because you rock the look. You are gorgeous and its bravery like that, that changes the world. If more people in plymouth were like you it would be a nicer place to live xxxx

oh wow! i think if more girls wore lolita theyd be more ...girly, idk, there should be appreciation for the merge of cultures and respect for it, i find i have more respect and manners wearing it as it's like an alternate personality, like even my voice changes just in my wig, and my hand movements, it's just little improvements i really enjoy xxx
Liked by: Here to Help

opinion on sleep? ^.^


Your answer has left me speechless. I hope you know how clever, kind, selfless and briliant you are. When i grow up, i want to be just like amy braham

i'm blushing and teary because i'm passionate about so many things and people just see me as a fake whore xD

Asian culture isn't there for you to fetishise and appropriate, your little dressups could be seen as offensive

i've had a few Asian families and couples take photos with me complimenting how well i pull off the style for a white chick... i dont fetishise it, i'm fascinated by the culture, traditions, norms, values and history. shove that up your arse yeah? i want to learn japanese over the next few years as i want to live in Japan, but out of the way in the beautiful scenic areas

Opinion on haters? Not just yours, people who troll in general

i find trolls and haters different,
i try not to have an opinion as the more you mention them the more attentions they get that feeds their greedy little minds to hate on you...which gives you more attention (so sad it's negative though) so all i have to say is
well done for making people more well known, even if its negative for every 10 nasty messages they'll get at least 1 person talking to ask about a situation before judging through rumours.


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