

Ask @AmyBraham

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Oh and a lyric facebook status about how much you don't need him anymore? Bit of a giveaway- only people thinking about their exs do that :'(

it's 2ne1 translated lyrics of "hate you" I Sang it to friends and him for like weeks.

So his fb 'marriage' doesn't bother you at all? That's good then :')

I don't even know who he's married to, blocked him remember? I wonder if mine would bother him considering who it's to :p

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Do you ever regret the break up?

nope, I've been getting high and hanging out with my friends properly since, livin' the life man and not thinking about him
Liked by: Ü king julian

What are your wigs made from? how do you stop them from tangling ?

they're synthetic so I'm guessing plastic, some wigs I can use heat on so may be Remy!
I just gently brush them, from bottom to top(never start at roots, it'll frizz) and place them in their bags or on wig stands :3

I wonder if you can help me? Recently split up with my ex, was so fucking pissed off at him. It's been a few weeks, and I've cooled off, and I think I might've made a mistake. Part of me wants him back but I'm worried he's moved on too fast already? What do I do? Ty xx

best thing would talk about how you're both feeling away from each other and if feelings are there still or no xx

You're so lovely, honestly. Thank you. You're beautiful and kind, and I hope camhs do more for you than they can do for me. In January I'm off to see the psychiatrist there again, but he's shit, ge though anorexia for instance is ONLY physical. thats how good he is at his job.

mental health is never your own fault or just a physical thing (unless done drugs and that's the long term effect). Jesus how do people like that work with such fragile people 0.0

Im gonna keep trying because honestly I see myself commiting suicide If not. Yeah at one point. Camhs said my issues are my own fault and its just the way i am, and that they cant and wont help

hey you can talk to me about this anytime, like they told me it was genetic but it isn't 0_0 put me on completely different meds than I needed and now I'm not taking anything but being referred back to them now -_-
please dont, there's so much to enjoy in the world even if you see it as bleak and all dark now, there's a lightness in everything x

If you don't mind my asking (and if you do I'm genuinely sorry) but what issues does your mum have and how did she get IP help? It's just that I think IP help could benefit me, but no one listens (well, camhs dont)

I'm not sure how 0.0 but I'd give it a shot!
and I agree, camhs is shit :(

How do you keep your wigs from being too shiny?

TALCON POWDER. mine are quite shiny atm because I don't have any left ;( but it works perfectly

what's wrong with you're mum?

your* she has manic depression and disassociative behaviour disorder (it's almost like split personality and borderline personality disorder) she also has arthritis in her back, knees and ankles and two lopsided discs in her back

If you could have 1 wish for christmas, for anything in the world to have or happen, what would it be?

probably that mum doesn't have mental health anymore. she's been in glenbourne 9 months tomorrow, and it's horrible, don't want her to go back there once she's out.

Exactly your love life is nobodys buisness other than yours, you have a right to you privacy, people shoould stop trying to stick there nose in it all the time I mean "who was the last ...sexual partner" no you don't just ask someone that, that's your buisness x

Laura-rose Goddard ✔
I don't see why people care, it's been a week, I'm not going to be fucking someone else, jesus.

What makes you think he wouldn't? And is magic the only way that's ever gonna happen?

what can't you understand I don't love him anymore and I don't want to get back with him, move on.

Dear anon, most probably tryo, leave amy alone, she's over you/him who cares even if she is seeing someone else get on her she's beautiful and can obviously get someone way better than you. Move on with your life. You are genuinly peeing me off she does esereve better than you sp being an asshole so

Laura-rose Goddard ✔
ilysm you actual babe, even if I was seeing someone it's no-one else's business (and btw I'm not I'm just seeing a lot of friends for coffee and smoke)

Honest question, but if something magic or crazy happened, and you suddenly loved troy again, do you think hed take you back?

no :) and magic isn't real therefore it wouldn't happen anyway :)


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