

Ask @AmyBraham

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I would be lucky to someone as great as you! He was lucky to have you and now he hasnt got you and quite frankly doesnt deserve you!

he thinks he's all high and mighty but we were both shit in that relationship.

I think he's a vile human being for bringing up personal stuff and posting it on here about what you needed to do for a place to live, and your mental issues, there's just no need at all to be so damn right nasty, he's most definitely not worth anything!

I'm not even diagnosed with anything right now, he liked to feel like a psychiatrist by looking up symptoms and labeling me as a psycho with x disorder

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What that boy is posting publicly about you is disgusting, I dont know you but its sad to see you having to deal with being put down by acts of immaturity that no adult his age should lower himself to do. Keep smiling and know you're much better person. <3

Ellie Spencer
thankyou sweetheart!<3
Liked by: Ellie Spencer

I remember speaking to you a bit back, you're so sweet. Never woulda though such a cunt was in your life, apparently my fb doesn't follow you no more though ;c Gonna have to refollow and inbox you sometime ;3

inbox me asap!!!<3

Bullies are bad enough but when they are older and know inside things and use it against a person that just makes my skin crawl this troy guy deserves a beating or any bad things that come to him!

it's upsetting that I was stupid enough to confide in him.
Liked by: Sara Serenity

No you didn't, you needed to stop buying dresses for yourself and stupid things like contacts on the internet and pay your rent on time, or actually start going back to work and earn the money. You chose to be a whore, and lost all respect I ever had. Well, you know which bits are odd.

Troy Funk
you're an actual cunt for trying to say that about my body? and yours isn't? seriously? you know what yours is.
and saying you couldn't get a hard on? maybe I'd actually want to do stuff if you...washed maybe?
you only just started to shower regularly again.
and I haven't bought any new dresses in ages? the only thing I have bought myself in the last month was contacts. 3 pairs for £30 rather than £70-80.
Liked by: connor monty

Amy stopped going to work because she gets all her money for free, when she wasted that, she resorted to being more slutty than ever :S I feel great, I had a desperate liar and inhuman psycho in my life, and now I don't. I actually have a video recording of her trying to beat the shit outta me.

oh wait and you didn't punch me? you have been just as aggressive if not more with your blackmail and abuse. you're being blocked on here. and actually that isn't true, I have worked for my money, being a carer is classed as a job according to college and social services.

Also, 'somehow still on your ask' get off my shit you crazy stalker xD

Troy Funk
oh I have, not stalking I just haven't been on ask.fm on my laptop in so long it was from when you last sent me hate like a pathetic weasel.

Oh, I actually cared about you for a while. But you literally are nothing, and will amount to it too. I can't wait to laugh about what you did the other day with the other people that see through your psycho xD

Troy Funk
what I did the other day as in Swedish guy? at least he could get me wet, unlike you. FUCK, I'll amount to more, I swear. you never do anything with your life and you can't blame it on me as you were doing it months before me.

You fucked this up xD. It shocks me you even believe the stuff you say, but you've always been twisted. Used you for money and sex? You were terrible in bed and I just got loads and loads of money today xD One less person to buy presents for, one less waste of breath and future loony bin to worry.

Troy Funk
sorry but "odd body"? says you Jesus fuck, you were always saying how you liked my body and guess why I'd never believe you? because if I did you'd turn round and insult it and Id feel shit.. but I already do so it doesn't matter. you're pathetic, so I've done what I've done? yes I did something wrong for money but I needed it for me to stay where I'm living, at either houses. for you too.

That would be telling;) ive wanted to live in japan for years becaudse of all the great history and fantastic tv!

pls tell me who u r so we can actually do this

The fact your ex is giving you hate on here, pretending to be someone else, genuinely makes me lose a massive amount of faith in humanity.. You're a lovely girl and you don't deserve this! Hope you're okay xx

Em, I miss you! and same, not like he didn't say all that to my face and on ask during our relationship anyway :p
Liked by: king julian

You're gorgeous an that troy looks disgusting, how did that relationship even happen? And he seems a cunt

he is a cunt, we were totally wrong to try to fix anything from a month into our relationship, it was a total joke.
Liked by: king julian

Don't talk to Troy, ever. You have no idea how fucked up you are, and it's almost funny. Same with Levi, everyone thought they were great before they met you, you're a possessive freak and somehow a total skank at the same time. People have better lives when they get around to leaving you alone.

Troy got worse because he is an immature BOY, he's a nasty, vile LITTLE man. he controlled me first, made me feel like I was nothing for most of our relationship, he used me for money and sex. and I never want anything to do with him again.

I'm a 17 year old camera whore. I am pansexual (so,your excuse for being a total slut).

sorry I've chilled out with taking so many photos, and I'm not a slut or anything, I don't like genitals in general they're weird so I wouldn't mind being in a relationship again where there was no sex :)
Liked by: king julian


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