

Ask @AmyBraham

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you remind me of me at your age so i can relate. from the outside it appears as if you're doing well, so keep it up sweet :)

thank you, on the inside it does build up which is why I have my own episodes. thank you for the encouragement.

you've taken a lot of shit for a 17 year old girl. good for you for staying strong and being yourself x

thanks so much! some people don't know the half of it haha!

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last i heard you were back with your mum

that was last September, don't listen to rumours man, I haven't been with her for 7months. wish I was.

Who has been the most important person in your life? Can you tell me about him or her?

my mum, although she is very unwell and I don't get to see her very much anymore she's never let her health get in the way of her parenting. she is so inspiring. I don't think I could handle anything without her, she's so supportive and fair when it comes to my interests and choices but knows the limit to giving me freedom. she spoils me rotten which could be why I can be a brat. people ask me if it bothers me that I'm her carer; I'm not. her episodes help me understand what she goes through and it's formed me better, I've grown up in some aspects and lacked a bit on a childhood and the only bad side to that is that I'm still very immature. I really admire and love my mumma.

Just wanted to say you helped me quite a long time ago and I never really thanked you for it :3 I really Appreciate it :3

oh wow I've only just seen this ;o I hope you're doing okay! xo

when you take a selfie how many do you take? how long does it take you ti find the one you like?

about 5 or 6, some go blurry because my camera is shit

Why do you dress "Lolita"? Maybe I'm ignorant but I always thought it was a sexual thing to look like a little girl or whatever

um no, it's evolved from the reason it used to be, it's just a fashion. I don't do it to look young I do it to look more like a doll


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