

Ask @AmyBraham

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you'd never consider taping yourself exercising and putting it on the internet, because you're self conscious all of a sudden, when you happily upload images of you wearing practically nothing. shut up you vain cunt. You're a walking contradiction.

No? Because I don't believe I do the exercises probably and ill look like a twat if im showing people the wrong thing. Besides, I exercise in my underwear xD
Liked by: Hail~Cats

Just like an abb/thigh workout not the full shabang :')

I don't exercise in front of people, id never consider taping it and putting it on the internet.

what do you look like under all your gorgeous make up and coloured hair?

I've posted makeup less photos on here and Facebook, have a look.

no, only since you started dating seriously, or ones that meant a lot to you

In the past three or four years there's been 4 that I can name straight off my head, either because we were friends before and remained after or because they helped me overcome something. Also in those years there may have been one or two 'flings' that lasted a day to a couple of weeks, but it turned out we weren't compatible. That's all in the past though, it doesn't matter, the only relationship I think of is the amazing one I have with troy x

When you first dyed your hair a really unnatural colour - how did you get past the whole everyone-stares problem? I'm doing it but I'm so scared

I first dyed it in like year 5 so I can't remember, I only got compliments so I didn't mind :P

Did you have an eating disorder?

I was told by a lot of people I had strong symptoms. Id cry over eating meals here, tried many fasts and whatnot, itd take me a long time to choose the lowest calorie thing to eat from a shop. I was weighing myself 3-4 times a day and thatd decide how my day would be and whether I would eat. It wasn't too bad, I snapped out of the attitude when I saw it was destroying my relationships with people, but no, this time I was never diagnosed with an ed. I wouldn't have been ill enough anyhow.

your style is cool but i think you are too rushed with the whole relationship thingies and u are barely 16. don't tell me u dont regret stuff xD.. and i think u fly for someone that just walks for you.(ur bf) and you are nice but you should be more open minded about not judging people. <3

"barely sixteen" im seventeen in like 5weeks. Fair enough. And I don't judge people until I know them <3

I think that you're a sweet girl, you've made a lot of mistakes, which has put a bad name for you, but you can tell that you're not that person anymore. You're lovely, caring, clever & so beautiful. I love you. :-)

i'm like tearing up, so many nice compliments o.o I love you!
Liked by: king julian

You're such a lovely girl, you've been nothing but sweet to me and you're generally a really good friend! You're one of the most gorgeous people I know and to be fair you're pretty great, so I've got nothing bad to say:')

these are making me so happy :') thankyou <3

you look like felice fawn when you had black hair

D; thankyou! I was a tried hard last year but then I changed into discovering myself a bit more n_n


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