

Ask @AmyKinsxo

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I don't know' all im seeing on my feeds are If you were pregnant, charlie woudnt want it

jheez rumours travel fast:L

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10 of you best male friends?

jordan, kai, troy, charlie, sean, joel, lucas, robbie, elliot, &thats it haha don't have 10:/

1) biggest regret? 2) hottest celeb? 3) perfect girl/boy 4) something you love about yourself?

Emma Phillips
1. giving up hope.
2. channing tatum.
3. perfect girl; kel/oriana perfect boy; charlie.
4. my hair:)

Why don't you think Love is real

after so many failed relationships I've turned stone cold..
some people never find that special person they die alone.
after so many times of trying, flirting it was all for nothing.
I may have failed but I didn't give up, he walked away.


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